Morning Stretches To Start Your Day

Including some stretching exercises in your daily morning routine can help energize you for the day 

Here are some morning stretches to start your day with 

Child's Pose 

The muscles in your hips, pelvis, thighs, and spine can be a little tight in the morning, but this stretching pose is fantastic for gently loosening them up 

Cobra Stretch 

This easy stretching exercise can help decrease stiffness of the lower back and strengthen the arms and shoulders 

Neck Stretch 

Relax your shoulders and, with the aid of your left arm, gently move your left ear in the direction of your left shoulder. This can assist in easing tension in the neck muscles 

Standing Forward Bend 

This posture relaxes the mind, alleviates tension, weariness, and anxiety. It also helps in improving digestion and the functioning of the liver 

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