Root and branch




  • Already there has been root and branch reform of government with many new ministerial positions and responsibilities.
  • Mr Lamy, if negotiations must take place, then they must focus on a root and branch reform of the WTO.
  • The transfer of the penal correction system to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice is a precondition for root and branch reform.
  • Against this backdrop, root and branch changes must be carried out, be it by redefining the functions of Eurojust, by establishing a European Public Prosecutor or by some other means.
  • The tree must be made good, root and branch.
  • We must eradicate the drug traffic, root and branch.
  • This will provide a unique opportunity for a root and branch assessment of the system of own resources.
  • Terrorism, the anathema of this new century, has to be eliminated root and branch in all its forms and manifestations.
  • Terrorism, the anathema of this new century, has to be eliminated, root and branch, in all its forms and manifestations.
  • However, the Council knows that the ravages of recession will return without root and branch reform of the financial system.