Idioms for Business Negotiations -

Useful Idioms for Business Negotiations in English

Business Negotiations Idioms! Learn common Bird idioms, phrases, and sayings in English with meaning and example sentences.

Idioms for Business Negotiations

Here is a list of some common Business Negotiations idioms with definitions and examples:

A deal breaker

Meaning: (in business and politics) a factor or issue which, if unresolved during negotiations, would cause one party to withdraw from a deal

Example: If a partner won’t accept your friends or family, that’s usually a dealbreaker in a relationship.

Agreement In Principle

Meaning: In a negotiation, an agreement in which not all details have been worked out

Example: The agreement in principle was expected to be signed at the Washington summit.


Meaning: A choice that could be better than the present situation.

Example: Alternative medicines are now winning greater acceptance among doctors.

An Offer One Can’t Refuse

Meaning: An extremely attractive offer

Example: The university made me an offer I couldn’t refuse: a $4,000-a-year raise and a reduction in my class load.

Back And Forth

Meaning: Dialogue, negotiations

Example: The people swayed back and forth with arms linked.

Bottom line

Meaning: the line at the bottom of a financial report that shows the net profit or loss

Example: The bottom line is that recycling isn’t profitable.

Come to Terms With (Something)

Meaning: Feel acceptance toward something bad that has happened

Example: It was hard to come to terms with her death after all the support she gave to me and the family.

Concession/to concede

Meaning: Something you give up when trying to make a deal. Negotiation trainers advise that a concession may also be referred to as a “trade-off,” as it’s usually given in exchange for something.

Example: What are you willing to concede?

Counter proposal

Meaning: An alternative solution you offer when you disagree with the one already presented.

Example: We came with a counter proposal, but they weren’t open to negotiation.


Meaning: An offer made in response to a previous offer by the other side. A counteroffer may also be referred to as a counter-proposal or as an alternative offer.

Example: The first company made a very attractive counter-offer and won the order.

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Meaning: An issue that negotiators are unable to agree on. A deadlock issue can become a deal breaker if unresolved.

Example: We are unable to reach an agreement as we are deadlocked on several items in the contract.

Draw a Line in the Sand

Meaning: Issue an ultimatum; specify an absolute limit in a conflict

Example: The president drew a line in the sand, threatening war if the neighboring country did not reduce troop levels.

Drive a Hard Bargain

Meaning: To negotiate effectively

Example: At first I wasn’t ready to accept your offer for the house. But you drive a hard bargain.

Drive a Wedge Between

Meaning: Try to split factions of a united group by introducing an issue on which they disagree

Example: The papal reform tended to drive a wedge between the educated, celibate higher clergy, and the rank and file.

Give and Take

Meaning: Negotiations, the process of compromise

Example: The principle of give and take is the principle of diplomacy – give one and take ten.

Highball/lowball offer

Meaning: An extremely high (highball) or low (lowball) offer. Whether an offer is high or low depends on the value of the negotiated item.

Example: The landlord says that the space costs $2,000 per month. Assuming that the price represents fair market value, an offer of $800 is a lowball offer. On the other hand, a seller’s price of $3,500 is a highball offer.


Meaning: Something that gives you power in a negotiation

Example: The supermarket chain really wanted that land, but the owner didn’t give in easily. He had a lot of leverage because the position was ideal.

Making A Proposal

Meaning: a plan that is formally suggested

Example: Everyone thought the proposal made sense.

Meet Somebody Halfway

Meaning: to find a compromise, particularly in negotiation on price

Example: Let’s meet each other halfway; I’ll come up to £95,000. If you come down to £95,000, I’ll meet you halfway. We shake hands, and the deal is done.

Mend Fences

Meaning: to restore a broken relationship; to make peace and get on with life

Example: I’m sorry for what I said. I shouldn’t have said it. Let’s not fall out any further over it. Let’s mend fences.

Stand One’s Ground

Meaning: Refuse to back down; insist on one’s position

Example: The company is threatening to lock the doors if we don’t agree to pay cuts, but I think we should stand our ground.

Read More: Most common English idioms and phrases

Sweeten the Deal

Meaning: Add something to an offer during a negotiation

Example: A delivery of butter pecan or Neapolitan might sweeten the deal.

Read More: Idioms for IELTS

Sweetheart Deal

Meaning: A very favorable arrangement given because of friendship or close connections

Example: Members of the council had arranged a sweetheart deal with CTS.

To bargain

Meaning: To discuss the conditions of an agreement, to negotiate.

Example: The leaders refused to bargain away the freedom of their people.

To Be A Party To Something

Meaning: you are part of a negotiation, you’re part of a contract and partly responsible for it

Example: It was going to be a party to end all parties.

To Bend Over Backwards

Meaning: to try to do as much as possible for the person with whom you’re negotiating

Example: I’ve bent over backwards for that customer, and he still won’t agree. I’m really frustrated.

To Drive/Strike A Bargain/Deal

Meaning: to reach an agreement

Example: We struck a bargain today, the building starts next week.

To Give Ground

Meaning: to relent a little bit; to retreat

Example: They’re not going to agree on everything in the contract. We might have to give ground on one or two points.

To Play Somebody At Their Own Game

Meaning: when you play somebody at their own game, you do exactly as they’re doing; you mirror the actions that they take

Example: Many car dealers have their own tricks to squeeze more money out of you, you’ve got to play them at their own game!

To reach a consensus

Meaning: To reach an agreement

Example: We hope to reach a consensus on the two pending items of the deal.

To Sign On The Dotted Line

Meaning: to formally agree to something by signing a document

Example: When we arrive at the office each morning we have to sign on the dotted line.

Trial Balloon

Meaning: A test of someone’s or the public’s reaction

Example: They floated the trial balloon of actually cutting Social Security.

Idioms for Business Negotiations -

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