English Sentences - wordscoach.com

250+ English Sentences

Here are 250+ English sentences that showcase various grammar structures, vocabulary, and common phrases. These sentences can be used as practice for language learners or as inspiration for writing prompts.

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50 Idioms About Knowledge - wordscoach.com

50 Idioms About Knowledge

Idioms are an integral part of the English language, and they add color and depth to conversations and writing. In this blog post, we will explore 50 idioms about knowledge, their meanings, and examples of how to use them in everyday conversation.

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Idioms With Heart - wordscoach.com

50 Idioms With Heart

50 Idioms With Heart – The heart is often used as a symbol of love, compassion, courage, and sincerity. It’s no wonder that the English language is filled with idioms and expressions that revolve around the heart.

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