100 Conjunctions in English - wordscoach.com

100 Conjunctions in English

Conjunctions are essential tools for connecting words, phrases, and clauses, enabling us to express relationships, join ideas, and create cohesive sentences.

We have compiled a list of 100 conjunctions that you can utilize to enhance your speaking and writing skills. From common conjunctions like “and” and “but” to more complex ones like “inasmuch as” and “lest,” this extensive list will broaden your linguistic repertoire and empower you to convey your thoughts with precision and clarity. So, let’s dive into the world of conjunctions and unlock the full potential of your language abilities.

100 Conjunctions in English

Here are 100 conjunctions in English.

and but
or nor
for yet
so although
though even though
while whereas
despite in spite of
if unless
whether because
since as
when after
before until
as soon as as long as
provided that while
once whenever
wherever wherever
now that in case
so that in order that
rather than as if
as though even if
than that
lest by the time
now then
meanwhile hence
thus therefore
consequently furthermore
moreover additionally
besides also
otherwise instead
nonetheless nevertheless
still yet
however on the other hand
on the contrary whereas
in contrast instead of
rather otherwise
after all in fact
indeed of course
certainly surely
undoubtedly absolutely
naturally surprisingly
fortunately unfortunately
eventually finally
in conclusion in summary
in brief to sum up
overall all in all
consequently in effect
accordingly in other words
that is for example
for instance in particular
specifically to illustrate

100 Conjunctions in English - wordscoach.com

The world of conjunctions in English is rich and varied, offering us a multitude of options to connect ideas and express relationships. By familiarizing yourself with the diverse range of conjunctions, you can add depth and complexity to your language, making your communication more precise and nuanced.

Whether you’re crafting an essay, giving a presentation, or engaging in everyday conversations, the judicious use of conjunctions will enhance your ability to express thoughts, provide explanations, present alternatives, and much more. So, embrace the power of conjunctions, experiment with different combinations, and watch as your language skills soar to new heights.

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