Love Idioms and Phrases -

50+ Love Idioms and Phrases

50+ Love Idioms and Phrases

List of useful love idioms in English with meaning and examples. Learn common phrases and idioms about love in English to improve your vocabulary and help your English sound more like a native speaker.

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Fruit Idioms and Phrases -

100+ Fruit Idioms and Phrases

100+ Fruit Idioms and Phrases

List of useful idioms about fruits with meaning and examples. Learn cherry idioms, apple idioms, orange idioms, banana idioms, lemon idioms, plum idioms, and peach idioms in English.

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Phrases for Asking and Giving Direction in English -

Phrases for Asking and Giving Direction in English

Asking for directions:

Sometimes we or someone needs to find a place. And we need to ask someone else for help. When we’re asking for directions from someone, we use some phrases.

Giving Directions

In the same way that you need to ask directions when you travel abroad, foreigners visiting your city might ask you directions, and what better way to practice English than to help them?

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Store and Shopping Conversation Phrases -

Store and Shopping Conversation Phrases

– Asking about store hours
– A salesperson offering help to a customer
– How to greet a customer as a salesperson
– Questions a salesperson might ask a customer
– Offering additional help to a customer
– Offering merchandise to a customer
– Shopping for something at a department store
– When you are just looking and not buying
– Questions a customer might ask in a store
– Choosing merchandise in a store
– When a customer wants to try on clothing
– Asking how a purchase will be paid for
– Encouraging remarks a salesperson might make to a customer
– When merchandise is not satisfactory
– When a salesperson cannot supply exactly what is wanted
– Asking about payment plans in a store
– Getting a purchased gift wrapped in a store

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Prepositional Phrase List with TO -

Prepositional Phrases with TO

A preposition is a word that tells you how words are related in a sentence. It could often follow a verb, but it does not always. The example of the frog and a log can tell you a lot of them, but those are only one of two categories of prepositions.

Prepositional Phrase List with TO

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Prepositional Phrase List with UNDER -

Prepositional Phrases with UNDER

Preposition Definition A preposition is a word that tells you how words are related in a sentence. It could often follow a verb, but it does not always. The example of the frog and a log can tell you a lot of them, but those are only one of two categories of prepositions. In fact, […]

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