100 Homophones in English - wordscoach.com

100+ Homophones in English

What are Homophones?

Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings.

In the English language, there are countless words that sound the same but have completely different meanings. These words are called homophones. Homophones can cause confusion in writing and speaking, so it’s important to be aware of them and use them correctly.

100+ Homophones in English

  • Ate – Eight
  • Bare – Bear
  • Brake – Break
  • Cell – Sell
  • Flour – Flower
  • Hair – Hare
  • Hear – Here
  • Know – No
  • Mail – Male
  • Meet – Meat
  • Morning – Mourning
  • Pair – Pear
  • Peace – Piece
  • Read – Reed
  • Right – Write
  • Sea – See
  • Sun – Son
  • Tail – Tale
  • Their – There – They’re
  • To – Too – Two
  • Wait – Weight
  • Allowed – Aloud
  • Barely – Bearly
  • Brake – Brake
  • Capital – Capitol
  • Ceiling – Sealing
  • Cereal – Surreal
  • Chord – Cord
  • Coarse – Course
  • Complement – Compliment
  • Days – Daze
  • Dear – Deer
  • Die – Dye
  • Fair – Fare
  • Flee – Flea
  • For – Four
  • Fore – For
  • Grate – Great
  • Groan – Grown
  • Here – Hear
  • Holy – Wholly
  • Idle – Idol
  • Its – It’s
  • Knot – Not
  • Lead – Led
  • Lessen – Lesson
  • Made – Maid
  • Miner – Minor
  • Mist – Missed
  • Pail – Pale
  • Plane – Plain
  • Poor – Pour
  • Pray – Prey
  • Principal – Principle
  • Rain – Rein – Reign
  • Rapped – Wrapped
  • Road – Rode – Rowed
  • Root – Route
  • Sail – Sale
  • Scene – Seen
  • Sew – So – Sow
  • Sight – Site – Cite
  • Slay – Sleigh
  • Sole – Soul
  • Stationary – Stationery
  • Steal – Steel
  • Suite – Sweet
  • There – Their – They’re
  • Threw – Through
  • Vein – Vain
  • Waste – Waist
  • Weak – Week
  • Weather – Whether
  • Which – Witch
  • Whose – Who’s
  • Won – One
  • Wood – Would
  • Write – Right
  • Yew – You
  • Your – You’re
  • Bored – Board
  • Cents – Sense
  • Night – Knight
  • Whole – Hole

100 Homophones in English - wordscoach.com

Homophones Quiz

Homophones Quiz

Choose the correct homophone to complete each sentence.

1 / 30

She wore a beautiful __________ to the wedding.

2 / 30

Please write your name on the __________ line.

3 / 30

He had a small __________ in his shirt.

4 / 30

The wolves howled at the __________.

5 / 30

Can you __________ the music from across the room?

6 / 30

He packed his clothes in a __________.

7 / 30

The actor delivered his __________ perfectly.

8 / 30

The farmer uses a __________ to plow his fields.

9 / 30

The old castle was surrounded by a __________.

10 / 30

The children will __________ a play at school.

11 / 30

She was too __________ to lift the heavy box.

12 / 30

The __________ of the library was quiet and serene.

13 / 30

The __________ is used to tie the boat to the dock.

14 / 30

The teacher gave the students a new __________ to solve.

15 / 30

The children enjoyed the sweet smell of __________.

16 / 30

She placed a __________ of flowers on the table.

17 / 30

The dog wagged its __________ happily.

18 / 30

The wind began to __________ strongly as the storm approached.

19 / 30

He __________ the trophy proudly.

20 / 30

He paid the bill in __________.

21 / 30

The weather was too __________ to go outside.

22 / 30

The rabbit dug a __________ in the garden.

23 / 30

She caught a __________ of the mysterious figure in the crowd.

24 / 30

The artist mixed the __________ of paint for her canvas.

25 / 30

The artist loves to __________ portraits of landscapes.

26 / 30

The __________ is expected to rise in the evening.

27 / 30

They had to __________ the meeting due to bad weather.

28 / 30

I need to __________ the cake before the guests arrive.

29 / 30

The __________ of the book was intriguing.

30 / 30

The king’s __________ was made of gold.

Your score is

The average score is 83%



Here are 100 pairs of homophones along with their meanings and examples:

Ate – Eight

Ate – past tense of the verb “eat”

Example: She ate an apple for breakfast.

Eight – the number 8

Example: There are eight planets in the solar system.

Bare – Bear

Bare – uncovered or exposed

Example: The tree branches were bare in winter.

Bear – a large mammal

Example: The grizzly bear roamed through the forest.

Brake – Break

Brake – a device used to slow or stop motion

Example: Apply the brake gently to stop the car.

Break – to separate into pieces or parts

Example: Be careful not to break the glass.

Cell – Sell

Cell – the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism

Example: The human body is made up of trillions of cells.

Sell – to exchange goods for money

Example: She plans to sell her old books online.

Flour – Flower

Flour – a powder made by grinding grains

Example: Use flour to make bread dough.

Flower – the reproductive structure found in flowering plants

Example: The rose is a beautiful flower.

Hair – Hare

Hair – the strands that grow from the skin of humans and animals

Example: She braided her long hair.

Hare – a fast-running mammal resembling a rabbit

Example: The hare darted across the field.

Hear – Here

Hear – to perceive sound through the ears

Example: Can you hear the birds singing?

Here – in or at this place

Example: Come over here and sit next to me.

Know – No

Know – to have information or understanding

Example: I know the answer to that question.

No – opposite of yes

Example: She said no to the invitation.

Mail – Male

Mail – letters and packages sent through postal services

Example: The postman delivered the mail.

Male – the sex that typically has reproductive organs

Example: The peacock is a beautiful male bird.

Meet – Meat

Meet – to come into contact with someone

Example: Let’s meet for coffee tomorrow.

Meat – the flesh of animals used as food

Example: She grilled some chicken meat for dinner.

Morning – Mourning

Morning – the early part of the day before noon

Example: She enjoys taking a walk in the morning.

Mourning – the act of grieving for a deceased person

Example: The family wore black clothes while in mourning.

Pair – Pear

Pair – a set of two things

Example: She bought a pair of shoes.

Pear – a sweet, juicy fruit

Example: He enjoyed eating a ripe green pear.

Peace – Piece

Peace – a state of tranquility or quiet

Example: The two countries signed a treaty to establish peace.

Piece – a part of something

Example: Can I have a piece of chocolate?

Read – Reed

Read – to look at and comprehend written words

Example: She loves to read novels.

Reed – a type of tall, slender grass

Example: The wind rustled through the reeds.

Right – Write

Right – morally correct or just

Example: It’s not right to cheat on exams.

Write – to mark letters or words on paper

Example: He likes to write stories in his free time.

Sea – See

Sea – a large body of saltwater

Example: The ship sailed across the sea.

See – to perceive with the eyes

Example: Can you see the stars in the night sky?

Sun – Son

Sun – the star at the center of our solar system

Example: The sun rises in the east.

Son – a male child or offspring

Example: His son is starting school next year.

Tail – Tale

Tail – the rear end of an animal’s body

Example: The dog wagged its tail happily.

Tale – a fictional story or narrative

Example: She told a fascinating tale about dragons and knights.

Their – There – They’re

Their – possessive form of “they”

Example: Their house is painted blue.

There – in or at that place

Example: The keys are over there on the table.

They’re – contraction of “they are”

Example: They’re going to the movies tonight.

To – Too – Two

To – indicating direction or destination

Example: Let’s go to the park.

Too – also or excessively

Example: She ate too much cake at the party.

Two – the number 2

Example: They have two dogs and a cat.

Wait – Weight

Wait – to stay in place in expectation of something

Example: Please wait for me at the bus stop.

Weight – the measure of heaviness of an object

Example: The suitcase was heavy due to its weight.

Allowed – Aloud

Allowed – given permission to do something

Example: Smoking is not allowed in this building.

Aloud – in a voice that can be heard

Example: She read the poem aloud to the class.

Barely – Bearly

Barely – scarcely or hardly

Example: She barely passed the test.

Bearly – not a common word, but it could refer to bears, the animals.

Example: We spotted a family of bears bearly visible in the distance.

Brake – Brake

Brake – a device for slowing or stopping motion

Example: Press the brake pedal to stop the car.

Break – to separate into pieces or parts

Example: He needs a break from work.

Capital – Capitol

Capital – the city serving as the seat of government

Example: Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States.

Capitol – the building where a legislative body meets

Example: The lawmakers gathered at the state capitol for the session.

Ceiling – Sealing

Ceiling – the upper interior surface of a room

Example: The ceiling of the cathedral was adorned with beautiful paintings.

Sealing – the act of closing or covering something securely

Example: He applied a fresh coat of paint to the sealing.

Cereal – Surreal

Cereal – a breakfast food made from grains

Example: She poured milk over her bowl of cereal.

Surreal – having a dream-like or bizarre quality

Example: The experience was so strange, it felt surreal.

Chord – Cord

Chord – a group of three or more musical notes played together

Example: He strummed the guitar chord.

Cord – a thick string or rope

Example: He tied the package with a sturdy cord.

Coarse – Course

Coarse – rough or of inferior quality

Example: The sandpaper had a coarse texture.

Course – a path or route; also refers to a series of lessons or studies

Example: The ship changed its course to avoid the storm.

Complement – Compliment

Complement – something that completes or enhances something else

Example: The wine was a perfect complement to the meal.

Compliment – a polite expression of praise or admiration

Example: She received a lovely compliment on her dress.

Days – Daze

Days – plural of “day,” referring to a period of 24 hours

Example: There are seven days in a week.

Daze – a state of confusion or bewilderment

Example: The bright lights left her in a daze.

Dear – Deer

Dear – loved or cherished

Example: She wrote a dear letter to her friend.

Deer – a hoofed mammal found in forests

Example: We saw a family of deer in the woods.

Die – Dye

Die – to cease living; a small cube with numbers used in games

Example: All living beings will die eventually.

Dye – a substance used to change the color of something

Example: She used red fabric dye to color her dress.

Fair – Fare

Fair – just or impartial; an event with games, rides, and vendors

Example: It’s important to be fair in all situations.

Fare – the price of a ticket for transportation

Example: What is the fare for a bus ride downtown?

Flee – Flea

Flee – to run away or escape

Example: The deer will flee when it senses danger.

Flea – a small, blood-sucking insect

Example: My dog has a flea infestation.

For – Four

For – indicating purpose or intended recipient

Example: This gift is for you.

Four – the number after three

Example: She has four siblings.

Fore – For

Fore – situated or placed at the front; a golf term referring to the front part of the course

Example: The ship’s fore deck offers a great view.

For – indicating purpose or intended recipient (same as above)

Grate – Great

Grate – a frame of metal bars used for grilling or drainage

Example: Please clean the cheese off the grate after grilling.

Great – very large or impressive

Example: She had a great time at the concert.

Groan – Grown

Groan – a deep, low sound made in response to pain or discomfort

Example: The old floorboards would groan when someone walked on them.

Grown – past participle of “grow”

Example: The plants have grown tall in the garden.

Here – Hear

Here – in or at this place

Example: I am here waiting for you.

Hear – to perceive sound through the ears

Example: Can you hear the birds singing?

Holy – Wholly

Holy – sacred or dedicated to religious purposes

Example: The temple is considered a holy place.

Wholly – entirely or completely

Example: She is wholly committed to her studies.

Idle – Idol

Idle – not active or in use; avoiding work

Example: He sat idle while waiting for the meeting to start.

Idol – an image or representation of a god worshipped as divine

Example: She has an idol of Ganesha in her home.

Its – It’s

Its – possessive form of “it”

Example: The cat licked its paw.

It’s – contraction of “it is” or “it has”

Example: It’s going to rain soon.

Knot – Not

Knot – a fastening made by looping one or more pieces of string or rope

Example: She tied a knot in the shoelace.

Not – expressing negation or denial

Example: She could not attend the party.

Lead – Led

Lead – to guide or direct; a heavy metal

Example: He will lead the team to victory.

Led – past tense of “lead”

Example: She led the group on a hike.

Lessen – Lesson

Lessen – to make or become less

Example: The medication helped to lessen the pain.

Lesson – a period of instruction or learning

Example: She taught a valuable lesson about kindness.

Made – Maid

Made – past tense of “make”

Example: She made a delicious cake.

Maid – a female domestic servant

Example: The maid cleaned the hotel room.

Mail – Male

Mail – letters and packages sent through postal services

Example: She received a package in the mail.

Male – the sex that typically has reproductive organs

Example: The lion is a male.

Meet – Meat

Meet – to come together in one place

Example: Let’s meet for coffee tomorrow.

Meat – the flesh of animals used as food

Example: She grilled some chicken meat for dinner.

Miner – Minor

Miner – a person who works in a mine

Example: The miner extracted coal from the mine.

Minor – lesser in size, extent, or importance

Example: The issue was a minor inconvenience.

Mist – Missed

Mist – fine droplets of water in the air

Example: The morning mist obscured the view.

Missed – failed to hit, catch, or reach

Example: She missed her train this morning.

Pail – Pale

Pail – a bucket

Example: He filled the pail with water from the well.

Pale – light in color

Example: Her face turned pale when she heard the news.

Pair – Pear

Pair – a set of two things

Example: She bought a pair of earrings.

Pear – a sweet, juicy fruit

Example: He enjoys eating a ripe green pear.

Peace – Piece

Peace – freedom from disturbance; absence of war

Example: The treaty brought peace to the region.

Piece – a part of something

Example: She broke off a piece of chocolate.

Plane – Plain

Plane – a flat surface; an aircraft

Example: The table had a smooth plane.

Plain – simple or ordinary

Example: She preferred a plain dress for the occasion.

Poor – Pour

Poor – lacking sufficient money or resources

Example: They lived in a poor neighborhood.

Pour – to flow steadily in a stream

Example: She poured tea into the cup.

Pray – Prey

Pray – to address a deity with earnest request or expression of thanks

Example: They would pray before dinner.

Prey – an animal that is hunted and killed by another for food

Example: The lion stalked its prey.

Principal – Principle

Principal – the head of a school; a fundamental truth or law

Example: The principal addressed the students in the assembly.

Principle – a fundamental truth or proposition

Example: She believed in the principle of honesty.

Rain – Rein – Reign

Rain – water falling from the sky in drops

Example: The rain poured down heavily.

Rein – a strap used to control a horse

Example: Hold the rein firmly while riding.

Reign – the period of rule of a monarch

Example: The queen’s reign lasted for many years.

Rapped – Wrapped

Rapped – hit sharply and quickly

Example: He rapped on the door with his knuckles.

Wrapped – covered or enclosed in paper or soft material

Example: She wrapped the gift with colorful paper.

Road – Rode – Rowed

Road – a wide way leading from one place to another

Example: The road was busy with traffic.

Rode – past tense of “ride”

Example: She rode her bike to school.

Rowed – past tense of “row”

Example: They rowed the boat across the lake.

Root – Route

Root – the part of a plant that attaches it to the ground

Example: The tree’s roots spread far and wide.

Route – a way or course taken in getting from a starting point to a destination

Example: They planned the best route for their road trip.

Sail – Sale

Sail – a piece of fabric attached to a mast to propel a boat

Example: The yacht’s sail billowed in the wind.

Sale – the exchange of goods for money

Example: There was a big sale at the department store.

Scene – Seen

Scene – a sequence of events in a play, movie, or book

Example: The final scene of the movie was very emotional.

Seen – past participle of “see”

Example: Have you seen the new art exhibit?

Sew – So – Sow

Sew – to join or attach by stitches

Example: She learned to sew her own clothes.

So – to such a great extent

Example: It was so hot that they decided to go swimming.

Sow – to plant seeds in the ground

Example: They sow seeds in the garden every spring.

Sight – Site – Cite

Sight – the ability to see; something that is seen

Example: The old man’s sight was failing.

Site – a place where something is located or has been constructed

Example: They chose a beautiful site for their picnic.

Cite – to quote or mention as evidence

Example: She needed to cite her sources in the research paper.

Slay – Sleigh

Slay – to kill violently

Example: The hero vowed to slay the dragon.

Sleigh – a vehicle drawn by horses or reindeer

Example: Santa Claus rides in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.

Sole – Soul

Sole – the underside of a person’s foot; the only one of its kind

Example: She walked on the beach, feeling the sand beneath her sole.

Soul – the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being

Example: Music speaks to the soul.

Stationary – Stationery

Stationary – not moving; fixed in one place

Example: The train remained stationary on the tracks.

Stationery – writing materials such as paper, pens, and envelopes

Example: She bought some new stationery for her office.

Steal – Steel

Steal – to take something without permission or legal right

Example: He tried to steal money from the cash register.

Steel – a hard, strong, gray or bluish-gray alloy of iron with carbon

Example: The bridge was made of sturdy steel.

Suite – Sweet

Suite – a set of rooms designated for one person’s or family’s use

Example: They booked a suite at the luxury hotel.

Sweet – having the pleasant taste characteristic of sugar or honey

Example: She enjoyed eating sweet desserts.

Tail – Tale

Tail – the hindmost part of an animal

Example: The dog wagged its tail happily.

Tale – a fictitious or true narrative or story

Example: She told an interesting tale about her travels.

There – Their – They’re

There – in or at that place

Example: The book is over there on the shelf.

Their – belonging to or associated with the people or things previously mentioned

Example: Their house is painted blue.

They’re – contraction of “they are”

Example: They’re going to the movies tonight.

Threw – Through

Threw – past tense of “throw”

Example: He threw the ball across the yard.

Through – moving in one side and out of the other side of (an opening, channel, or location)

Example: They walked through the forest.

To – Too – Two

To – expressing motion in the direction of (a particular location)

Example: Let’s go to the park.

Too – to a higher degree than is desirable, permissible, or possible

Example: She ate too much cake at the party.

Two – the number after one

Example: They have two dogs and a cat.

Vein – Vain

Vein – a blood vessel; a distinctive quality, style, or tendency

Example: The doctor inserted the needle into the patient’s vein.

Vain – having or showing an excessively high opinion of one’s appearance, abilities, or worth

Example: She was too vain to admit her mistakes.

Waste – Waist

Waste – to use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose

Example: Don’t waste water during the drought.

Waist – the part of the human body below the ribs and above the hips

Example: She wrapped a belt around her waist.

Weak – Week

Weak – lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; lacking strength

Example: He felt weak after the long illness.

Week – a period of seven days

Example: She will go on vacation next week.

Weather – Whether

Weather – the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.

Example: The weather is cold and rainy today.

Whether – expressing a doubt or choice between alternatives

Example: I’m not sure whether to go out tonight.

Which – Witch

Which – asking for information specifying one or more people or things from a definite set

Example: Which book would you like to read?

Witch – a woman thought to have magical powers

Example: The witch stirred her cauldron.

Whose – Who’s

Whose – possessive form of “who”

Example: Whose book is this?

Who’s – contraction of “who is” or “who has”

Example: Who’s going to the party tonight?

Won – One

Won – past tense and past participle of “win”

Example: She won the race.

One – the number 1

Example: Can I have one cookie, please?

Wood – Would

Wood – the hard fibrous substance beneath the bark in trees

Example: The table was made of oak wood.

Would – past tense of “will”

Example: She said she would help us with the project.

Write – Right

Write – to mark letters or words on paper

Example: He likes to write stories in his free time.

Right – morally correct or just

Example: It’s not right to cheat on exams.

Yew – You

Yew – a type of tree

Example: The garden was shaded by a large yew tree.

You – referring to the person or people addressed

Example: You should come to the party.

Your – You’re

Your – possessive form of “you”

Example: Is this your pen?

You’re – contraction of “you are”

Example: You’re going to love this movie.

Bored – Board

Bored – feeling weary because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one’s current activity

Example: She felt bored during the lecture.

Board – a long, thin, flat piece of wood or other hard material

Example: They nailed the sign to the board.

Brake – Brake

Brake – a device used to slow or stop motion

Example: Apply the brake gently to stop the car.

Break – to separate into pieces or parts

Example: Be careful not to break the glass.

Cents – Sense

Cents – plural of “cent,” a monetary unit

Example: She found twenty-five cents on the sidewalk.

Sense – the faculty of perceiving by the senses; understanding

Example: His argument made perfect sense.

Fair – Fare

Fair – just or impartial; an event with games, rides, and vendors

Example: It’s important to be fair in all situations.

Fare – the price of a ticket for transportation

Example: What is the fare for a bus ride downtown?

Flour – Flower

Flour – a powder made by grinding grains

Example: Use flour to make bread dough.

Flower – the reproductive structure found in flowering plants

Example: The rose is a beautiful flower.

Grate – Great

Grate – a frame of metal bars used for grilling or drainage

Example: Please clean the cheese off the grate after grilling.

Great – very large or impressive

Example: She had a great time at the concert.

Hair – Hare

Hair – the strands that grow from the skin of humans and animals

Example: She braided her long hair.

Hare – a fast-running mammal resembling a rabbit

Example: The hare darted across the field.

Mail – Male

Mail – letters and packages sent through postal services

Example: The postman delivered the mail.

Male – the sex that typically has reproductive organs

Example: The peacock is a beautiful male bird.

Night – Knight

Night – the period of darkness between sunset and sunrise

Example: The stars shone brightly in the night sky.

Knight – a medieval soldier granted an honorary title of knighthood

Example: The knight rode bravely into battle.

Sail – Sale

Sail – a piece of fabric attached to a mast to propel a boat

Example: The yacht’s sail billowed in the wind.

Sale – the exchange of goods for money

Example: There was a big sale at the department store.

Tail – Tale

Tail – the rear end of an animal’s body

Example: The dog wagged its tail happily.

Tale – a fictional story or narrative

Example: She told a fascinating tale about dragons and knights.

Sea – See

Sea – a large body of saltwater

Example: The ship sailed across the sea.

See – to perceive with the eyes

Example: Can you see the stars in the night sky?

Threw – Through

Threw – past tense of “throw”

Example: He threw the ball across the yard.

Through – moving in one side and out of the other side of (an opening, channel, or location)

Example: They walked through the forest.

Whole – Hole

Whole – entire; complete

Example: She ate the whole pizza by herself.

Hole – a hollow place in a solid body or surface

Example: Watch out for the hole in the ground.

Homophones can sometimes create confusion in writing, so it’s important to pay attention to context and spelling to ensure clear communication.

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