180 Examples of Homophones - wordscoach.com

180 Examples of Homophones

180 Examples of Homophones

Homophones are pairs of words that sound the same but have different meanings and different spellings. 

Example of Homophones:


To: To is a preposition, infinitive marker, or that the verb being used is in the infinitive form.

Example: They went to the mall.

Too: Too is an adverb and can indicate that something is happening in addition to another thing.

Example: My sister wanted some candy too.

Two: Two is the number that falls between one and three.

Example: Can you please get me two bananas?

180 Examples of Homophones list

Here are 180 Homophones in English.

  • abel / able
  • accede / exceed
  • accept / except
  • addition / edition
  • all ready / already
  • ax / acts
  • axel / axle
  • axes / axis
  • aye / eye / I
  • ayes / eyes
  • bawl / ball
  • brake / break
  • been / bin
  • beer / bier
  • bury / berry
  • bussed / bust
  • but / butt
  • buy / by / bye
  • byte / bight
  • cache / cash
  • caddie / caddy
  • cain / cane
  • cheap / cheep
  • check / Czech
  • cheep / cheap
  • chews / choose
  • cell / sell
  • chic / sheik
  • click / clique
  • climb / clime
  • clique / click
  • colonel / kernel
  • coolie / coulee
  • coop / coupe
  • cops / copse
  • coral / choral
  • cord / cored
  • core / corps
  • cored / chord
  • corps / core
  • coughers / coffers
  • coulee / coolie
  • council / counsel
  • coup / coo
  • course / coarse
  • cousin / cozen
  • coward / cowered
  • coy / koi
  • cozen / cousin
  • craft / kraft
  • crape / crepe
  • crawl / kraal
  • creak / creek
  • crepe / crape
  • crewel / cruel
  • dense / dents
  • descent / dissent
  • dun / done
  • dye / die
  • dyeing / dying
  • fare / fair
  • fate / fete
  • faun / fawn
  • fax / facts
  • faze / phase
  • feat / feet
  • feint / faint
  • fends / fens
  • flour / flower
  • flow / floe
  • flower / flour
  • flu / flue / flew
  • flyer / flier
  • foaled / fold
  • fort / forte
  • forward / foreword
  • foul / fowl
  • four / fore / for
  • fourth / forth
  • graphed / graft
  • heroin / heroine
  • hertz / hurts
  • hew / hue
  • hear / here
  • heal / heel
  • hour / our
  • hoes / hose
  • idle / idol
  • incite / insight
  • jam / jamb
  • jean / gene
  • jell / gel
  • jibe / gibe
  • knight / night
  • kernel / colonel
  • knap / nap
  • knave / nave
  • knot / not
  • ladder / latter
  • lade / laid
  • lain / lane
  • lays / laze
  • lea / lee
  • leach / leech
  • lead / led
  • leak / leek
  • lean / lien
  • leased / least
  • led / lead
  • lee / lea
  • leech / leach
  • liar / lier
  • lie / lye
  • lien / lean
  • moan / mown
  • moat / mote
  • mode / mowed
  • mood / mooed
  • moose / mousse
  • morn / mourn
  • nickers / knickers
  • niece / Nice
  • oh / owe
  • one / won
  • owe / oh
  • padded / patted
  • paean / paeon
  • pail / pale
  • pain / pane
  • pair / pare
  • pale / pail
  • poor / pour
  • parish / perish
  • real / reel
  • root / route
  • rose / rows
  • rows / rose
  • rude / rued
  • rue / roux
  • right / write
  • rued / rude
  • sea / see
  • sole / soul
  • son / sun
  • steal / steel
  • suite / sweet
  • stationary / stationery
  • stair / stare
  • their / there
  • troop / troupe
  • trussed / trust
  • turn / tern
  • tutor / tooter
  • tux / tucks
  • to / too / two
  • tail / tale
  • urn / earn
  • use / ewes
  • vale / veil
  • vane / vein
  • vary / very
  • veil / vale
  • vein / vain
  • ways / weighs
  • we / wee
  • we’ll / wheel
  • weak / week
  • wear / where
  • weave / we’ve
  • wretch / retch
  • wring / ring
  • weather / whether
  • waist / waste
  • wait / weight
  • yew / ewe / you
  • yews / use
  • yoke / yolk
  • you’ll / Yule
  • your / you’re
  • yule / you’ll

List of Homophones with meaning and sentences

abel / able

  • abel: proper noun, a biblical character
    • Example: Abel offered a sacrifice to God.
  • able: having the necessary power, skill, or resources to accomplish a task
    • Example: She is able to solve complex mathematical problems.

accede / exceed

  • accede: to agree to a request or demand
    • Example: The board will accede to the shareholders’ demands.
  • exceed: to go beyond a certain limit or level
    • Example: The company’s profits exceed expectations.

accept / except

  • accept: to receive willingly
    • Example: She accepted the gift with gratitude.
  • except: to exclude or leave out
    • Example: Everyone is going to the party except Tom.

addition / edition

  • addition: the act of adding something to something else
    • Example: The addition of sugar makes the cake sweeter.
  • edition: a particular version or issue of a publication
    • Example: The new edition of the dictionary includes updated vocabulary.

all ready / already

  • all ready: completely prepared
    • Example: We are all ready to leave for the trip.
  • already: by this time; prior to a specified or implied time
    • Example: I have already finished my homework.

ax / acts

  • ax: a tool used for chopping wood
    • Example: He used the ax to chop firewood.
  • acts: deeds or actions, usually performed by someone
    • Example: His acts of kindness endeared him to everyone.

axel / axle

  • axel: a figure skating jump
    • Example: She executed a perfect axel during her performance.
  • axle: a central shaft for a rotating wheel or gear
    • Example: The car’s axle needed to be replaced.

axes / axis

  • axes: plural of “ax” or the plural form of “axis”
    • Example: He wielded two axes in battle.
  • axis: a straight line around which something rotates
    • Example: The Earth rotates on its axis.

aye / eye / I

  • aye: yes; an affirmative vote
    • Example: He responded with an enthusiastic “aye.”
  • eye: the organ of sight
    • Example: She has beautiful blue eyes.
  • I: the first person singular pronoun
    • Example: I am going to the store.

ayes / eyes

  • ayes: plural of “aye”
    • Example: The ayes have it; the motion is carried.
  • eyes: plural of “eye”
    • Example: She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

bawl / ball

  • bawl: to cry loudly
    • Example: The baby began to bawl when his toy was taken away.
  • ball: a spherical object used in various games and sports
    • Example: Let’s play catch with the ball.

brake / break

  • brake: a device for slowing or stopping motion
    • Example: He applied the brake to stop the car.
  • break: to separate into pieces
    • Example: Be careful not to break the glass.

been / bin

  • been: past participle of “be”
    • Example: I have been to Paris before.
  • bin: a container for storing items
    • Example: Please throw the rubbish in the bin.

beer / bier

  • beer: an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grains
    • Example: He ordered a pint of beer at the bar.
  • bier: a stand on which a corpse or coffin is placed before burial
    • Example: They carried the casket on the bier to the cemetery.

bury / berry

  • bury: to place a dead body in the ground
    • Example: They will bury their pet in the backyard.
  • berry: a small, round fruit
    • Example: She picked some ripe berries from the bush.

bussed / bust

  • bussed: past tense of “bus,” meaning to transport by bus
    • Example: They bussed the students to the museum.
  • bust: a sculpture depicting a person’s head, shoulders, and chest
    • Example: The museum had a collection of busts of famous historical figures.

but / butt

  • but: however; except for
    • Example: She wanted to go, but she had to work.
  • butt: the end part of something, such as a cigarette or a rifle
    • Example: He stubbed out the cigarette butt in the ashtray.

buy / by / bye

  • buy: to purchase something in exchange for money
    • Example: She decided to buy a new dress for the party.
  • by: next to or alongside something/someone; through a method or means
    • Example: She walked by the river.
  • bye: a shortened form of “goodbye”
    • Example: He waved bye as he left for work.

byte / bight

  • byte: a unit of digital information consisting of eight bits
    • Example: The file size is measured in bytes.
  • bight: a bend or curve in a coastline or a rope
    • Example: They anchored the boat in the sheltered bight of the bay.

cache / cash

  • cache: a hidden storage space for temporary files or data
    • Example: The web browser stores cache files to improve loading speed.
  • cash: money in the form of coins or banknotes
    • Example: He withdrew some cash from the ATM.

caddie / caddy

  • caddie: a person who carries a golfer’s clubs
    • Example: The caddie handed him the putter.
  • caddy: a container for holding items, typically used for tea or golf clubs
    • Example: She placed the teapot on the caddy.

cain / cane

  • cain: a biblical character, the first son of Adam and Eve
    • Example: Cain killed his brother Abel.
  • cane: a long, slender stick used as a support or walking aid
    • Example: He leaned on a cane as he walked.

cheap / cheep

  • cheap: low in price; inexpensive
    • Example: She found a cheap hotel for her vacation.
  • cheep: a short, high-pitched sound made by a small bird or chick
    • Example: The baby chicks cheeped in the nest.

chews / choose

  • chews: third person singular present tense of “chew,” meaning to bite and grind with the teeth
    • Example: The dog chews on his bone.
  • choose: to select or pick from a number of alternatives
    • Example: I will choose the blue dress for the party.

cell / sell

  • cell: a small room, often in a prison or monastery; also, a basic structural and functional unit of living organisms
    • Example: He spent the night in a jail cell.
  • sell: to exchange goods or services for money
    • Example: She decided to sell her old car.

chic / sheik

  • chic: stylish; fashionable
    • Example: She always dresses in a chic and elegant manner.
  • sheik: an Arab chief, prince, or ruler
    • Example: The sheik welcomed the travelers to his desert oasis.

click / clique

  • click: to make a short, sharp sound, or to press a button on a computer mouse
    • Example: He heard the click of the door closing behind him.
  • clique: a small, exclusive group of people
    • Example: The popular girls formed a clique at school.

climb / clime

  • climb: to ascend or move upward, especially using the hands and feet
    • Example: They began to climb the steep mountain.
  • clime: a region with a particular climate
    • Example: They preferred to vacation in warmer climes during the winter.

clique / click

  • clique: a small, exclusive group of people
    • Example: She felt excluded from the popular clique at school.
  • click: to make a short, sharp sound, or to press a button on a computer mouse
    • Example: He clicked on the link to open the webpage.

colonel / kernel

  • colonel: a military rank above lieutenant colonel and below brigadier general
    • Example: The colonel led his troops into battle.
  • kernel: a softer, usually edible part of a seed or nut; also, the core or essential part of something
    • Example: She found a popcorn kernel stuck in her teeth.

coolie / coulee

  • coolie: an unskilled laborer, especially from Asia
    • Example: The coolie carried heavy loads at the construction site.
  • coulee: a deep ravine or gully, typically with a stream running through it
    • Example: They hiked through the coulee to reach the waterfall.

coop / coupe

  • coop: a cage or enclosure for poultry
    • Example: The chickens pecked at the grain in the coop.
  • coupe: a car with a fixed roof and two doors
    • Example: He drove a sleek coupe through the city streets.

cops / copse

  • cops: colloquial term for police officers
    • Example: The cops arrived at the scene of the crime.
  • copse: a small group of trees
    • Example: They had a picnic in the shade of the copse.

coral / choral

  • coral: a hard substance secreted by certain marine polyps and forming reefs
    • Example: The divers explored the colorful coral reefs.
  • choral: relating to or sung by a choir or chorus
    • Example: They sang choral hymns at the church service.

cord / cored

  • cord: a thin, flexible string or rope
    • Example: She tied the package with a length of cord.
  • cored: past tense of “core,” meaning to remove the core or central part from something
    • Example: She cored the apple before slicing it.

core / corps

  • core: the central or most important part of something
    • Example: The core of the argument was difficult to discern.
  • corps: a main subdivision of an armed force, typically consisting of two or more divisions
    • Example: He served in the Marine Corps for ten years.

cored / chord

  • cored: past tense of “core,” meaning to remove the core or central part from something
    • Example: She cored the apple before slicing it.
  • chord: a group of three or more musical notes sounded together
    • Example: He played a beautiful chord on the guitar.

corps / core

  • corps: a main subdivision of an armed force, typically consisting of two or more divisions
    • Example: The army corps moved into position for the battle.
  • core: the central or most important part of something
    • Example: The core of the argument was difficult to discern.

coughers / coffers

  • coughers: those who cough
    • Example: The coughers in the audience disrupted the play.
  • coffers: a chest or box used for keeping valuables
    • Example: The king’s coffers were filled with gold and jewels.

coulee / coolie

  • coulee: a deep ravine or gully, typically with a stream running through it
    • Example: They hiked through the coulee to reach the waterfall.
  • coolie: an unskilled laborer, especially from Asia
    • Example: The coolie carried heavy loads at the construction site.

council / counsel

  • council: a group of people elected or appointed to make decisions or provide advice
    • Example: The city council approved the new budget.
  • counsel: advice or guidance, especially as given by a lawyer or other legal expert
    • Example: She sought counsel from her attorney before signing the contract.

coup / coo

  • coup: a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government
    • Example: The military coup overthrow the dictator.
  • coo: the soft murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon
    • Example: The doves cooed in the trees outside her window.

course / coarse

  • course: a direction or route taken by something moving
    • Example: The ship changed its course to avoid the storm.
  • coarse: rough or harsh in texture
    • Example: The fabric was too coarse for her sensitive skin.

cousin / cozen

  • cousin: a child of one’s uncle or aunt
    • Example: She visited her cousin during the holidays.
  • cozen: to cheat or deceive
    • Example: He tried to cozen her into signing the contract.

coward / cowered

  • coward: a person who lacks courage in facing danger or difficulty
    • Example: He was branded a coward for fleeing the battle.
  • cowered: past tense of “cower,” meaning to crouch down in fear
    • Example: The frightened dog cowered in the corner.

coy / koi

  • coy: shy or modest; pretending to be reluctant
    • Example: She gave him a coy smile.
  • koi: a colorful ornamental fish, often kept in ponds
    • Example: The koi fish swam gracefully in the pond.

cozen / cousin

  • cozen: to cheat or deceive
    • Example: He tried to cozen her into signing the contract.
  • cousin: a child of one’s uncle or aunt
    • Example: She visited her cousin during the holidays.

craft / kraft

  • craft: an activity involving skill in making things by hand
    • Example: She enjoyed various crafting hobbies such as knitting and scrapbooking.
  • kraft: strong, brown paper used for wrapping or packaging
    • Example: The package was wrapped in kraft paper.

crape / crepe

  • crape: a thin fabric with a crinkled surface
    • Example: She wore a black crape veil to the funeral.
  • crepe: a thin, light pancake
    • Example: They enjoyed crepes filled with strawberries and cream.

crawl / kraal

  • crawl: to move forward on the hands and knees
    • Example: The baby learned to crawl before learning to walk.
  • kraal: a traditional African village or enclosure for livestock
    • Example: The cattle were kept in the kraal at night.

creak / creek

  • creak: a harsh, high-pitched sound made by something old or damaged when it moves
    • Example: The old door creaked as it opened.
  • creek: a narrow stream or a small, shallow river
    • Example: They went fishing in the creek behind their house.

crepe / crape

  • crepe: a thin, light pancake or a fabric with a crinkled surface
    • Example: She ordered a crepe filled with strawberries and cream.
  • crape: a type of fabric used for mourning garments; also, a tree with colorful flowers
    • Example: She wore a black crape veil to the funeral.

crewel / cruel

  • crewel: a type of yarn used for embroidery
    • Example: She embroidered the design using crewel wool.
  • cruel: causing pain or suffering; unkind
    • Example: It was cruel to abandon the puppy on the street.

dense / dents

  • dense: closely compacted; thick
    • Example: The fog was so dense that they could barely see.
  • dents: marks or indentations made by pressure or force
    • Example: The car door had several dents from the accident.

descent / dissent

  • descent: the act of moving downwards
    • Example: The airplane began its descent towards the airport.
  • dissent: disagreement or opposition to a prevailing opinion or belief
    • Example: Several members of the committee voiced their dissent.

dun / done

  • dun: to make persistent demands for payment of a debt
    • Example: The landlord dunned him for the overdue rent.
  • done: past participle of “do”; finished or completed
    • Example: Dinner is done and ready to serve.

dye / die

  • dye: a substance used to color things
    • Example: She dyed her hair red for the party.
  • die: to cease living; also, a small cube with dots on each side used in games of chance
    • Example: The old tree will eventually die if not treated.

dyeing / dying

  • dyeing: the process of coloring things using dye
    • Example: She learned the art of fabric dyeing.
  • dying: in the process of ceasing to live; near death
    • Example: The doctor attended to the dying patient.

fare / fair

  • fare: the money paid for transportation; also, food
    • Example: The taxi fare was higher than expected.
  • fair: just and impartial; also, an event where goods are bought and sold
    • Example: She won a prize at the county fair.

fate / fete

  • fate: the development of events beyond a person’s control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power
    • Example: He believed in fate and destiny.
  • fete: a celebration or festival
    • Example: They attended the village fete in the summer.

faun / fawn

  • faun: a mythical creature, half human and half goat, often depicted in art and literature
    • Example: The faun played a flute in the forest.
  • fawn: a young deer; also, to flatter someone excessively
    • Example: The mother deer groomed her fawn.

fax / facts

  • fax: a method of transmitting documents electronically over a telephone line
    • Example: He sent the contract by fax.
  • facts: information that is known to be true
    • Example: The report was based on verified facts.

faze / phase

  • faze: to disturb or disconcert
    • Example: The criticism didn’t faze her.
  • phase: a distinct period or stage in a process of change or development
    • Example: He’s going through a rebellious phase.

feat / feet

  • feat: an achievement that requires great skill or courage
    • Example: Climbing Mount Everest is a remarkable feat.
  • feet: the plural form of “foot”
    • Example: She stood on her tiptoes to reach the shelf with her feet.

feint / faint

  • feint: a deceptive or pretended blow, thrust, or other movement
    • Example: He made a feint to the left before striking.
  • faint: lacking in strength or clarity; barely perceptible
    • Example: She felt faint from the heat.

fends / fens

  • fends: takes care of oneself; defends
    • Example: He fends for himself since he moved out.
  • fens: low-lying, marshy areas, often used for pasture
    • Example: The cattle grazed in the fens.

flour / flower

  • flour: a powder obtained by grinding grain, typically wheat, and used to make bread, cakes, and pastry
    • Example: She sifted the flour before baking.
  • flower: the reproductive structure found in flowering plants; also, a bloom or blossom
    • Example: The garden was filled with colorful flowers.

flow / floe

  • flow: the steady, continuous movement or supply of something
    • Example: The river’s flow was swift after the rain.
  • floe: a large, flat mass of ice floating at sea
    • Example: They navigated their boat around the ice floe.

flower / flour

  • flower: the reproductive structure found in flowering plants; also, a bloom or blossom
    • Example: She picked a bouquet of wildflowers.
  • flour: a powder obtained by grinding grain, typically wheat, and used to make bread, cakes, and pastry
    • Example: She sifted the flour before baking.

flu / flue / flew

  • flu: short for influenza; a contagious respiratory illness
    • Example: He caught the flu and had to stay home from work.
  • flue: a duct or pipe for directing gases from a fireplace, furnace, or stove to the outdoors
    • Example: They cleaned the chimney flue before winter.
  • flew: past tense of “fly”
    • Example: The bird flew away when they approached.

flyer / flier

  • flyer: a printed advertisement or promotional material
    • Example: She handed out flyers advertising the concert.
  • flier: someone or something that flies; also, a risky or adventurous undertaking
    • Example: He’s a frequent flier, always traveling for work.

foaled / fold

  • foaled: past tense of “foal,” meaning to give birth to a young horse
    • Example: The mare foaled in the middle of the night.
  • fold: to bend something over itself so that one part of it lies on the other part
    • Example: She folded the letter and put it in an envelope.

fort / forte

  • fort: a fortified building or strategic position used for defense
    • Example: They visited the old fort at the edge of town.
  • forte: a person’s strong point; something at which someone excels
    • Example: Her forte is playing the piano.

forward / foreword

  • forward: towards a position ahead or in front
    • Example: He took a step forward.
  • foreword: an introductory section in a book, typically written by someone other than the author
    • Example: The author wrote a heartfelt foreword to her novel.

foul / fowl

  • foul: offensive to the senses; also, a violation of rules in sports
    • Example: The smell was foul and unpleasant.
  • fowl: a bird, especially a domesticated one such as a chicken or turkey
    • Example: They raised fowl on their farm.

four / fore / for

  • four: the number after three and before five
    • Example: There are four chairs at the table.
  • fore: situated or placed in front; also, a warning shouted to people in a potentially dangerous situation
    • Example: The fore deck of the ship was crowded with passengers.
  • for: used to indicate the object or recipient of an action
    • Example: She bought a gift for her friend’s birthday.

fourth / forth

  • fourth: coming after the third in order
    • Example: He finished fourth in the race.
  • forth: out; forward in time, place, or order
    • Example: She stepped forth to accept the award.

graphed / graft

  • graphed: past tense of “graph,” meaning to plot or draw on a graph
    • Example: She graphed the data to analyze the trends.
  • graft: a piece of living tissue transplanted surgically
    • Example: The surgeon performed a skin graft on the burn victim.

heroin / heroine

  • heroin: a highly addictive drug derived from morphine, used as a recreational drug and pain reliever
    • Example: He struggled with addiction to heroin.
  • heroine: a woman admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities
    • Example: She was hailed as a heroine for saving the child from the burning building.

hertz / hurts

  • hertz: the unit of frequency, equal to one cycle per second
    • Example: The radio operates on a frequency of 100 hertz.
  • hurts: causes physical pain or injury
    • Example: It hurts when I touch the bruise.

hew / hue

  • hew: to chop or cut something with an axe or other sharp tool
    • Example: He hewed the logs to build a cabin.
  • hue: a shade or tint of color
    • Example: The artist mixed blue and yellow to create a green hue.

hear / here

  • hear: to perceive sounds with the ears
    • Example: Can you hear the music playing?
  • here: in or to this place or position
    • Example: I am here waiting for you.

heal / heel

  • heal: to become healthy or whole again
    • Example: Time will heal your wounds.
  • heel: the back part of the foot below the ankle
    • Example: She wore high-heeled shoes to the party.

hour / our

  • hour: a period of sixty minutes
    • Example: The movie lasts for two hours.
  • our: belonging to us
    • Example: This is our house.

hoes / hose

  • hoes: plural of “hoe,” a gardening tool used for cultivating soil
    • Example: She used hoes to weed the garden.
  • hose: a flexible tube conveying water or other fluid; also, a close-fitting garment covering the legs and feet worn by dancers or women
    • Example: He watered the plants with a garden hose.

idle / idol

  • idle: inactive or not in use; also, lazy
    • Example: He sat idle all day instead of working.
  • idol: an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship; also, a person or thing that is greatly admired, loved, or revered
    • Example: She was a teenage idol to many of her fans.

incite / insight

  • incite: to encourage or stir up violent or unlawful behavior
    • Example: His speech incited the crowd to riot.
  • insight: the ability to understand people and situations in a very clear way
    • Example: Her insight into human behavior was remarkable.

jam / jamb

  • jam: a sweet spread made from fruit and sugar; also, a crowded or blocked situation
    • Example: She spread jam on her toast for breakfast.
  • jamb: the side post of a doorway or window frame
    • Example: He leaned against the jamb of the door.

jean / gene

  • jean: a durable twilled cotton cloth, typically blue, used for jeans, overalls, and other clothing
    • Example: She wore a pair of denim jeans.
  • gene: a unit of heredity that is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristic of the offspring
    • Example: The gene for eye color is passed down from parents to children.

jell / gel

  • jell: to become firm or solid, typically as a result of cooling
    • Example: The jelly will jell as it cools.
  • gel: a thick, jelly-like substance; also, a substance with a consistency like jelly, used in cosmetics, medicine, and food
    • Example: She applied hair gel to style her hair.

jibe / gibe

  • jibe: to be in agreement with
    • Example: His explanation didn’t jibe with the facts.
  • gibe: to make insulting or mocking remarks
    • Example: He couldn’t resist making a gibe about her outfit.

knight / night

  • knight: a man who served his sovereign or lord as a mounted soldier in armor
    • Example: He was knighted by the queen for his bravery.
  • night: the period of darkness between sunset and sunrise
    • Example: They went for a walk in the park at night.

kernel / colonel

  • kernel: the softer, usually edible part of a nut, seed, or fruit stone contained within its hard shell; also, the central or most important part of something
    • Example: She cracked open the walnut to get to the kernel inside.
  • colonel: a rank in the army, above lieutenant colonel and below brigadier general
    • Example: The colonel led his troops into battle.

knap / nap

  • knap: to break sharply or abruptly
    • Example: She knapped the flint to create a sharp edge.
  • nap: a short sleep, especially during the day
    • Example: He took a quick nap before starting work.

knave / nave

  • knave: a dishonest or unscrupulous man
    • Example: He was known as a knave and a cheat.
  • nave: the central part of a church building, intended to accommodate most of the congregation
    • Example: The sunlight streamed through the windows of the nave.

knot / not

  • knot: a fastening made by looping a piece of string, rope, or something similar on itself and tightening it
    • Example: She tied a knot in the shoelaces.
  • not: used to express negation or refusal
    • Example: I do not want any more cake.

ladder / latter

  • ladder: a piece of equipment consisting of a series of bars or steps between two upright lengths of wood, metal, or rope, used for climbing up or down something
    • Example: He climbed the ladder to reach the roof.
  • latter: denoting the second or second mentioned of two people or things
    • Example: She had to choose between the former option and the latter one.

lade / laid

  • lade: to load or unload (a cargo, ship, etc.)
    • Example: They laded the cargo onto the ship.
  • laid: past tense and past participle of “lay”
    • Example: She laid the book on the table.

lain / lane

  • lain: past participle of “lie” (to recline or be situated)
    • Example: The dog had lain in the sun all afternoon.
  • lane: a narrow road or street, typically with buildings or trees on either side
    • Example: They walked down the country lane.

lays / laze

  • lays: third person singular present tense of “lay”
    • Example: He lays the groundwork for future projects.
  • laze: to spend time in a relaxed, lazy manner
    • Example: They lazed around in the hammock all afternoon.

lea / lee

  • lea: an open area of grassy or arable land
    • Example: They picnicked on the lea beside the river.
  • lee: the sheltered side, or the side away from the wind
    • Example: They anchored their boat in the lee of the island.

leach / leech

  • leach: to remove soluble substances from a material, typically by washing it with water
    • Example: Rain leached the nutrients from the soil.
  • leech: a bloodsucking worm; also, a person who extorts profit from or sponges on others
    • Example: They used leeches to extract blood from patients in medieval medicine.

lead / led

  • lead: to show the way to a destination by going in front of or beside someone
    • Example: She will lead the hiking group through the forest.
  • led: past tense and past participle of “lead”
    • Example: He led the team to victory.

leak / leek

  • leak: (of a container or covering) accidentally lose or admit contents, especially liquid or gas, through a hole or crack
    • Example: The roof began to leak during the heavy rain.
  • leek: a plant related to the onion, with flat overlapping leaves forming an elongated cylindrical bulb that together with the leaf bases is eaten as a vegetable
    • Example: She used leeks in her soup recipe.

lean / lien

  • lean: to incline or bend from a vertical position
    • Example: He leaned against the wall for support.
  • lien: a right to keep possession of property belonging to another person until a debt owed by that person is discharged
    • Example: The bank placed a lien on the house until the mortgage was paid off.

leased / least

  • leased: past tense and past participle of “lease”
    • Example: They leased the office space for five years.
  • least: smallest in amount, extent, or significance
    • Example: This is the least I can do for you.

led / lead

  • led: past tense and past participle of “lead”
    • Example: She led the team to victory.
  • lead: to guide or conduct someone or something to a destination
    • Example: He will lead the expedition into the wilderness.

lee / lea

  • lee: the sheltered side, or the side away from the wind
    • Example: They anchored their boat in the lee of the island.
  • lea: an open area of grassy or arable land
    • Example: They picnicked on the lea beside the river.

leech / leach

  • leech: a bloodsucking worm; also, a person who extorts profit from or sponges on others
    • Example: They used leeches to extract blood from patients in medieval medicine.
  • leach: to remove soluble substances from a material, typically by washing it with water
    • Example: Rain leached the nutrients from the soil.

liar / lier

  • liar: a person who tells lies
    • Example: He is a notorious liar and cannot be trusted.
  • lier: one who lies in a certain position
    • Example: The lier on the couch was fast asleep.

lie / lye

  • lie: to recline or be situated in a horizontal position
    • Example: He likes to lie in the sun on warm afternoons.
  • lye: a strongly alkaline solution, especially of potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide
    • Example: She used lye to make soap.

lien / lean

  • lien: a right to keep possession of property belonging to another person until a debt owed by that person is discharged
    • Example: The bank placed a lien on the house until the mortgage was paid off.
  • lean: to incline or bend from a vertical position
    • Example: He leaned against the wall for support.

moan / mown

  • moan: a long, low sound made by a person expressing physical or mental suffering or sexual pleasure
    • Example: She let out a moan of pain.
  • mown: past participle of “mow”
    • Example: The grass had been freshly mown.

moat / mote

  • moat: a deep, wide ditch, typically filled with water, surrounding a fortified medieval town, fortress, or castle as a defense against attack
    • Example: The castle was surrounded by a deep moat.
  • mote: a tiny piece of a substance
    • Example: A mote of dust floated in the sunlight.

mode / mowed

  • mode: a way or manner in which something occurs or is experienced, expressed, or done
    • Example: He prefers to work in silent mode.
  • mowed: past tense and past participle of “mow”
    • Example: He mowed the lawn yesterday.

mood / mooed

  • mood: a temporary state of mind or feeling
    • Example: She was in a cheerful mood after receiving good news.
  • mooed: made the characteristic deep vocal sound of a cow
    • Example: The cow mooed loudly in the pasture.

moose / mousse

  • moose: a large deer with palmate antlers, found in northern forests of North America, Europe, and Asia
    • Example: They spotted a moose grazing in the clearing.
  • mousse: a light, fluffy dessert made with whipped cream, eggs, and flavorings
    • Example: She served chocolate mousse for dessert.

morn / mourn

  • morn: poetic or archaic term for “morning”
    • Example: The sun rose bright and early on the morn of their wedding day.
  • mourn: to feel or express sorrow or grief
    • Example: They mourned the loss of their beloved pet.

nickers / knickers

  • nickers: slang term for “underpants”
    • Example: He accidentally flashed his nickers when his pants fell down.
  • knickers: short trousers that end above the knee, typically worn by women or young girls; also, old-fashioned term for “underpants”
    • Example: She wore a pair of lace knickers under her dress.

niece / Nice

  • niece: a daughter of one’s brother or sister
    • Example: She adored her niece and spoiled her with gifts.
  • Nice: a city in southeastern France, known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant atmosphere
    • Example: They spent their vacation in Nice, exploring the Mediterranean coast.

oh / owe

  • oh: used to express surprise, joy, or other strong emotions
    • Example: Oh, what a lovely surprise!
  • owe: to be under obligation to pay or repay money, gratitude, or a favor
    • Example: I owe you a debt of gratitude for your help.

one / won

  • one: the numerical value equal to the sum of zero and one
    • Example: She had only one apple left.
  • won: past tense and past participle of “win”
    • Example: They won the championship last year.

owe / oh

  • owe: to be under obligation to pay or repay money, gratitude, or a favor
    • Example: He owes a large sum of money to the bank.
  • oh: used to express surprise, joy, or other strong emotions
    • Example: Oh, I didn’t expect to see you here!

padded / patted

  • padded: having a soft, cushioned surface
    • Example: The chair had padded seats for extra comfort.
  • patted: past tense and past participle of “pat”
    • Example: She patted the dog on the head.

paean / paeon

  • paean: a song of praise or triumph
    • Example: The crowd erupted into a paean of celebration.
  • paeon: a metrical foot used in both poetry and music, typically consisting of one stressed syllable followed by three unstressed syllables
    • Example: The poem followed a strict rhythm of paeons.

pail / pale

  • pail: a bucket
    • Example: He filled the pail with water from the well.
  • pale: light in color or having little color; also, lacking intensity or brightness
    • Example: Her face turned pale when she heard the news.

pain / pane

  • pain: physical or mental suffering or discomfort
    • Example: He winced in pain as the doctor removed the splinter.
  • pane: a single sheet of glass in a window or door
    • Example: She cleaned the fingerprints off the window pane.

pair / pare

  • pair: two corresponding things designed for use together
    • Example: She bought a pair of matching shoes.
  • pare: to trim or cut off the outermost part of something
    • Example: She pared the apple before eating it.

pale / pail

  • pale: light in color or having little color; also, lacking intensity or brightness
    • Example: Her face turned pale when she heard the news.
  • pail: a bucket
    • Example: He filled the pail with water from the well.

poor / pour

  • poor: lacking sufficient money or resources; inferior in quality
    • Example: They lived in a poor neighborhood.
  • pour: to cause a liquid to flow from a container in a steady stream
    • Example: She poured the milk into a glass.

parish / perish

  • parish: a local church community served by a priest
    • Example: They attended services at the parish church every Sunday.
  • perish: to suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden, or untimely way
    • Example: Without food or water, they would surely perish in the desert.

real / reel

  • real: actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed
    • Example: The threat of war is a real possibility.
  • reel: a cylindrical object around which material can be wound, typically for storage or transport
    • Example: She wound the fishing line onto the reel.

root / route

  • root: the part of a plant that attaches it to the ground, typically underground, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant
    • Example: She dug up the roots of the tree.
  • route: a way or course taken in getting from a starting point to a destination
    • Example: They planned their route carefully before starting the journey.

rose / rows

  • rose: past tense of “rise”
    • Example: She rose from her seat and walked to the door.
  • rows: plural of “row,” a line of things, typically arranged side by side
    • Example: They planted rows of corn in the field.

rows / rose

  • rows: plural of “row,” a line of things, typically arranged side by side
    • Example: They planted rows of corn in the field.
  • rose: past tense of “rise”
    • Example: She rose from her seat and walked to the door.

rude / rued

  • rude: offensively impolite or ill-mannered
    • Example: He made a rude comment about her appearance.
  • rued: past tense and past participle of “rue,” meaning to bitterly regret
    • Example: He rued the day he decided to quit his job.

rue / roux

  • rue: to bitterly regret or feel remorse for
    • Example: She would rue the decision to leave her job.
  • roux: a mixture of fat and flour used to thicken sauces and soups
    • Example: She made a roux for the gumbo.

right / write

  • right: morally good, justified, or acceptable
    • Example: It’s not right to treat people that way.
  • write: to mark (letters, words, or other symbols) on a surface, typically paper, with a pen, pencil, or similar implement
    • Example: She wrote a letter to her friend.

rued / rude

  • rued: past tense and past participle of “rue,” meaning to bitterly regret
    • Example: He rued the day he decided to quit his job.
  • rude: offensively impolite or ill-mannered
    • Example: He made a rude comment about her appearance.

sea / see

  • sea: the expanse of saltwater that covers most of the earth’s surface and surrounds its landmasses
    • Example: They went for a swim in the sea.
  • see: to perceive with the eyes; to observe
    • Example: She could see the mountains in the distance.

sole / soul

  • sole: the underside of the foot or shoe
    • Example: She felt a pebble under her sole as she walked.
  • soul: the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being, regarded as immortal
    • Example: She believed that music touched the soul.

son / sun

  • son: a male offspring; a boy or man in relation to his parents
    • Example: He was proud of his son’s accomplishments.
  • sun: the star around which the earth orbits, whose light and heat sustain life on earth
    • Example: They sat in the garden enjoying the warmth of the sun.

steal / steel

  • steal: to take (another person’s property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it
    • Example: She stole money from her parents’ purse.
  • steel: a hard, strong, gray or bluish-gray alloy of iron with carbon and usually other elements
    • Example: The bridge was made of steel.

suite / sweet

  • suite: a set of rooms designated for one person’s or one group’s use or for a particular purpose
    • Example: They booked a suite at the hotel for their honeymoon.
  • sweet: having the pleasant taste characteristic of sugar or honey; not salty, sour, or bitter
    • Example: She enjoyed a piece of sweet chocolate cake.

stationary / stationery

  • stationary: not moving or not intended to be moved
    • Example: The car was stationary at the red light.
  • stationery: writing paper and other office materials
    • Example: She bought some new stationery for her desk.

stair / stare

  • stair: a series of steps leading from one floor of a building to another
    • Example: She climbed the stair to the second floor.
  • stare: to look fixedly or vacantly at someone or something with one’s eyes wide open
    • Example: She stared at the painting on the wall.

their / there

  • their: belonging to or associated with people or things previously mentioned or easily identified
    • Example: They left their bags on the table.
  • there: in, at, or to that place or position
    • Example: The keys are over there on the shelf.

troop / troupe

  • troop: a group of soldiers, especially a cavalry unit commanded by a captain, or an airborne unit
    • Example: The troop marched in formation.
  • troupe: a group of dancers, actors, or other performers who tour to different venues
    • Example: She joined a traveling circus troupe.

trussed / trust

  • trussed: tied up or bound securely
    • Example: The chicken was trussed and ready for roasting.
  • trust: firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something
    • Example: Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship.

turn / tern

  • turn: to move or cause to move in a circular direction wholly or partly around an axis or point
    • Example: She turned the doorknob and opened the door.
  • tern: a seabird of the gull family, typically smaller and more slender than a gull, with long pointed wings and a forked tail
    • Example: They watched the terns diving for fish at the beach.

tutor / tooter

  • tutor: a private teacher, typically one who teaches a single student or a very small group
    • Example: She hired a math tutor to help her with algebra.
  • tooter: someone or something that toots, typically referring to the sound of a horn or whistle
    • Example: The little boy proudly showed off his toy tooter.

tux / tucks

  • tux: informal short form of “tuxedo,” a man’s semiformal evening suit, typically black or dark blue
    • Example: He wore a stylish tux to the wedding.
  • tucks: plural of “tuck,” a fold or pleat in fabric, especially one that is sewn or stitched in place
    • Example: She added tucks to the curtains to give them a tailored look.

to / too / two

  • to: expressing motion in the direction of (a particular location)
    • Example: She walked to the store.
  • too: to a higher degree than is desirable, permissible, or possible; excessively
    • Example: He ate too much cake at the party.
  • two: the number equivalent to the sum of one plus one; one more than one
    • Example: They have two dogs as pets.

tail / tale

  • tail: the hindmost part of an animal, especially when extended beyond the rest of the body
    • Example: The dog wagged its tail in excitement.
  • tale: a fictitious or true narrative or story, especially one that is imaginatively recounted
    • Example: She read a fairy tale to her children before bedtime.

urn / earn

  • urn: a tall, rounded vase with a narrow neck, used for holding the ashes of the cremated dead
    • Example: They placed the urn containing his ashes on the mantelpiece.
  • earn: to receive money in return for work or services performed
    • Example: She worked hard to earn a promotion.

use / ewes

  • use: the act of employing something for a purpose; also, the state of being used
    • Example: She made good use of her time by studying.
  • ewes: female sheep
    • Example: The farmer separated the rams from the ewes during mating season.

vale / veil

  • vale: a valley, especially one that is narrow or wooded
    • Example: They hiked through the scenic vale in the mountains.
  • veil: a piece of fine material worn by women to protect or conceal the face or head
    • Example: The bride wore a delicate lace veil at her wedding.

vane / vein

  • vane: a flat blade or plate that is pivoted freely to turn in the wind and indicate the direction from which it is blowing
    • Example: The weather vane on top of the barn pointed north.
  • vein: a blood vessel that carries blood towards the heart; also, a distinctive quality or feature
    • Example: The doctor inserted the needle into the vein in her arm.

vary / very

  • vary: to change or differ in some way
    • Example: The colors of the leaves vary depending on the season.
  • very: used to emphasize the degree or extent of something
    • Example: She was feeling very tired after the long journey.

veil / vale

  • veil: a piece of fine material worn by women to protect or conceal the face or head
    • Example: The bride wore a delicate lace veil at her wedding.
  • vale: a valley, especially one that is narrow or wooded
    • Example: They hiked through the scenic vale in the mountains.

vein / vain

  • vein: a blood vessel that carries blood towards the heart; also, a distinctive quality or feature
    • Example: The doctor inserted the needle into the vein in her arm.
  • vain: having or showing an excessively high opinion of one’s appearance, abilities, or worth
    • Example: She was too vain to admit that she had made a mistake.

ways / weighs

  • ways: plural of “way,” a method, style, or manner of doing something
    • Example: There are many ways to solve this problem.
  • weighs: third person singular present tense of “weigh”
    • Example: She weighs herself every morning on the bathroom scale.

we / wee

  • we: used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together
    • Example: We went to the beach for a picnic.
  • wee: very small; tiny
    • Example: She found a wee kitten hiding under the porch.

we’ll / wheel

  • we’ll: contraction of “we will”
    • Example: We’ll meet you at the restaurant at 7 p.m.
  • wheel: a circular object that revolves on an axle and forms part of a machine or device
    • Example: He turned the steering wheel to the left.

weak / week

  • weak: lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; also, lacking in force or effectiveness
    • Example: He felt weak after being sick for several days.
  • week: a period of seven days
    • Example: She has an appointment with the doctor next week.

wear / where

  • wear: to have (something) on one’s body as clothing, decoration, or protection
    • Example: She likes to wear colorful scarves in the winter.
  • where: in or to what place or position
    • Example: Where did you put your keys?

weave / we’ve

  • weave: to form (fabric or a fabric item) by interlacing long threads passing in one direction with others at a right angle to them
    • Example: She learned how to weave baskets from willow branches.
  • we’ve: contraction of “we have”
    • Example: We’ve finished our homework, so now we can relax.

wretch / retch

  • wretch: an unfortunate or unhappy person
    • Example: He felt like a wretch after losing his job.
  • retch: to make the sound and movement of vomiting
    • Example: The smell of rotten eggs made her retch.

wring / ring

  • wring: to squeeze and twist (something) to force liquid from it
    • Example: She wrung out the wet cloth before hanging it to dry.
  • ring: a circular band, typically of precious metal, worn as an ornamental piece of jewelry
    • Example: She admired the diamond ring on her finger.

weather / whether

  • weather: the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time, especially as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.
    • Example: The weather forecast predicts rain for tomorrow.
  • whether: expressing a doubt or choice between alternatives
    • Example: I don’t know whether to go to the party or stay home.

waist / waste

  • waist: the part of the human body below the ribs and above the hips
    • Example: She wrapped a belt around her waist to cinch her dress.
  • waste: to use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose
    • Example: He hated to waste food, so he always finished everything on his plate.

wait / weight

  • wait: to stay where one is or delay action until a particular time or until something else happens
    • Example: She had to wait for the bus to arrive.
  • weight: a measure of the heaviness of an object
    • Example: The weight of the package was too much for her to lift.

yew / ewe / you

  • yew: a type of evergreen tree or shrub with dark green leaves and red berries, often used in hedges and for timber
    • Example: They planted a row of yew trees along the edge of the garden.
  • ewe: a female sheep
    • Example: The ewe gave birth to two healthy lambs.
  • you: used to refer to the person or people being addressed
    • Example: Can you pass me the salt, please?

yews / use

  • yews: plural of “yew,” a type of evergreen tree or shrub
    • Example: The garden was filled with ancient yews.
  • use: the action of utilizing something or the state of being utilized
    • Example: She made good use of her time by studying.

yoke / yolk

  • yoke: a wooden crosspiece that is fastened over the necks of two animals and attached to the plow or cart that they are to pull
    • Example: The oxen were harnessed together by a wooden yoke.
  • yolk: the yellow part of an egg, situated in the center, surrounded by the egg white
    • Example: She separated the egg white from the yolk before baking the cake.

you’ll / Yule

  • you’ll: contraction of “you will”
    • Example: You’ll have a great time at the party tonight.
  • Yule: an archaic term for Christmas or the Christmas season
    • Example: They celebrated Yule with a big family dinner.

your / you’re

  • your: belonging to or associated with the person or people that the speaker is addressing
    • Example: Is this your book?
  • you’re: contraction of “you are”
    • Example: You’re going to love the movie we’re seeing tonight.

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180 Examples of Homophones – 1

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180 Examples of Homophones – 2

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