Idioms About Friendship -

Idioms About Friendship

Idioms About Friendship

A shoulder to cry on
Someone who listens to your problems

Birds of a feather flock together
Meaning: People who have the same outlook/tastes/interests will be found in each other’s company

Meaning: United or bound together by strong relationships and common interests.

Friends in high places
Meaning: Have friends who have important or influential positions

Like two peas in a pod
Meaning: Two people or things that are very similar to each other, or go very well together.

Strike up a friendship
Meaning: To become friends

Through thick and thin
Meaning: Under all circumstances, no matter how difficult.

To be as thick as thieves
Meaning: To be very close or friendly

To be joined at the hip
Meaning: To be extremely close to someone, so you don’t like to be apart.

To be on the same page/wavelength
Meaning: To be in agreement

To build bridges
Meaning: To promote friendly relations between people or groups

To bury the hatchet
Meaning: Make peace; end a quarrel, settle one’s differences to become friends again.

To clear the air
Meaning: Get rid of all doubts and negative feelings.

To get on famously
Meaning: To get on very well with someone

To get on like a house on fire
Meaning: To get on very well with someone

To get on swimmingly
Meaning: To get on very well with someone

To hit it off
Meaning: To find yourself immediately and naturally friendly with someone

To know someone inside out
Meaning: To know someone very well

To make strange bedfellows
Meaning: To make unlikely companions

To move in the same circles
Meaning: To socialize with the same people all of whom have a similar background or lifestyle

To see eye to eye with someone
Meaning: To agree with someone

To speak the same language
Meaning: To understand someone, as a result, your shared values or opinions

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