Most difficult words in English -

10 Most difficult words in English

Most difficult words in English

Defining the “most difficult” words in English is subjective and depends on factors like your native language and prior vocabulary exposure.

However, here are 10 words with challenging pronunciation, spelling, or definitions that might be considered difficult for many:

1. Egregious (ee-gree-juhss):

Meaning: extremely bad or shocking; outrageous.

Example: The politician’s lies were egregious, leading to a public outcry.

2. Ephemeral (e-fem-er-al):

Meaning: lasting for a very short time; fleeting.

Example: The beauty of a sunset is ephemeral, yet it leaves a lasting impression.

3. Equanimity (ee-kwa-nim-i-tee):

Meaning: mental calmness, especially in a difficult situation.

Example: Despite the chaos, the leader maintained equanimity and inspired confidence.

4. Imbroglio (im-broh-lee-oh):

Meaning: a complex, confusing, and embarrassing situation.

Example: The family found themselves embroiled in a legal imbroglio.

5. Lachrymose (lak-ri-mohse):

Meaning: causing or showing tears; tearful.

Example: The lachrymose movie left the audience emotionally drained.

6. Malaise (mah-layz):

Meaning: a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness.

Example: A vague malaise settled over the city as the news of the pandemic spread.

7. Serendipity (suh-ren-dip-i-tee):

Meaning: the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.

Example: Finding the lost wallet by pure serendipity was a stroke of luck.

8. Sustenance (suh-steh-nuhns):

Meaning: nourishment; food or other things necessary for life.

Example: Finding water and sustenance was their top priority after the shipwreck.

9. Xenophobia (zen-o-pho-bee-ah):

Meaning: a fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers.

Example: Xenophobia often leads to discrimination and social divisions.

10. Zeitgeist (tsayt-gayst):

Meaning: the general feeling or spirit of a particular period of time.

Example: The zeitgeist of the 1960s was characterized by social change and cultural revolution.

Remember, mastering the English language is a continuous journey. Enjoy the challenge of learning new words and expanding your vocabulary!

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