Prepositions of Time and Place Quiz

Prepositions of Time and Place Quiz

Test your knowledge of prepositions with this fun and educational quiz! Choose the correct preposition for each sentence.

1 / 30

The train arrives ___ 8:00 PM.

2 / 30

The cat is sleeping ___ the couch.

3 / 30

She was born ___ June.

4 / 30

She started her new job ___ last month.

5 / 30

She lives ___ Paris, the capital of France.

6 / 30

He moved to this city ___ 2020.

7 / 30

We will arrive ___ the station in 10 minutes.

8 / 30

The store is closed ___ Sundays.

9 / 30

The show starts ___ noon.

10 / 30

He has been working here ___ years.

11 / 30

The kids are playing ___ the garden.

12 / 30

He will finish his project ___ two weeks.

13 / 30

We’ll visit them ___ December.

14 / 30

We’re going to the movies ___ the weekend.

15 / 30

I’ll call you ___ a few minutes.

16 / 30

We stayed ___ a hotel during our vacation.

17 / 30

The park is located ___ the corner of 5th Avenue and Main Street.

18 / 30

He arrived ___ the airport just in time.

19 / 30

He waited ___ the bus stop for an hour.

20 / 30

The meeting is ___ Friday evening.

21 / 30

They met ___ a coffee shop downtown.

22 / 30

The keys are ___ the table.

23 / 30

She left a note ___ the fridge.

24 / 30

I’ll see you ___ Monday.

25 / 30

He will come ___ Christmas Eve.

26 / 30

The dog is hiding ___ the bed.

27 / 30

The party is ___ her house.

28 / 30

They usually have lunch ___ the park.

29 / 30

She always goes to the gym ___ the morning.

30 / 30

I left my bag ___ the car.

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The average score is 69%


Prepositions of Time and Place Quiz

Mastering prepositions of time and place is essential for effective communication in English. These small but powerful words can make a big difference in the meaning of sentences.

What Are Prepositions of Time and Place?

Prepositions of time are words like at, on, and in that help specify when something happens.

For example:

  • The meeting is at 3 PM.
  • I was born on Monday.
  • She moved here in 2020.

Prepositions of place, such as at, in, and on, indicate the position or location of something.

For example:

  • He’s at the park.
  • The keys are on the table.
  • She lives in London.

Prepositions of Time and Place Quiz

Prepositions of Time and Place Quiz

  1. The train arrives ___ 8:00 PM.
  2. She was born ___ June.
  3. We stayed ___ a hotel during our vacation.
  4. The keys are ___ the table.
  5. I’ll see you ___ Monday.
  6. He moved to this city ___ 2020.
  7. She always goes to the gym ___ the morning.
  8. The meeting is ___ Friday evening.
  9. The park is located ___ the corner of 5th Avenue and Main Street.
  10. He will finish his project ___ two weeks.
  11. They met ___ a coffee shop downtown.
  12. The show starts ___ noon.
  13. She lives ___ Paris, the capital of France.
  14. I left my bag ___ the car.
  15. He arrived ___ the airport just in time.
  16. They usually have lunch ___ the park.
  17. He will come ___ Christmas Eve.
  18. The kids are playing ___ the garden.
  19. We’re going to the movies ___ the weekend.
  20. She left a note ___ the fridge.
  21. The party is ___ her house.
  22. He has been working here ___ years.
  23. We’ll visit them ___ December.
  24. The dog is hiding ___ the bed.
  25. She started her new job ___ last month.
  26. The cat is sleeping ___ the couch.
  27. We will arrive ___ the station in 10 minutes.
  28. He waited ___ the bus stop for an hour.
  29. The store is closed ___ Sundays.
  30. I’ll call you ___ a few minutes.

Prepositions of Time and Place Quiz Answers

  1. at
  2. in
  3. at
  4. on
  5. on
  6. in
  7. in
  8. on
  9. at
  10. in
  11. at
  12. at
  13. in
  14. in
  15. at
  16. in
  17. on
  18. in
  19. at
  20. on
  21. at
  22. for
  23. in
  24. under
  25. none
  26. on
  27. at
  28. at
  29. on
  30. in

Enjoy practicing! 😊

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