Prepositions -

Prepositions: Meaning, Definition, Uses, and Example Sentences

Prepositions: Meaning, Definition, Uses, and Example Sentences

Prepositions are fundamental elements of grammar that help us establish relationships between words, phrases, and clauses within a sentence. Their significance lies in their ability to provide context, direction, and location.

We will delve into the world of prepositions, exploring their meaning, definition, common uses, and providing examples that showcase their application in everyday language. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of prepositions and be able to use them effectively in your own writing and communication.

Meaning and Definition of Prepositions:

Prepositions are words that link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words in a sentence, indicating the relationship between them. They often express location, direction, time, manner, or possession. Common prepositions include “in,” “on,” “at,” “from,” “to,” and “with.”

Uses of Prepositions:

Showing Location: Prepositions provide information about where something is located.


  • “The book is on the table.”
  • “She lives in the city.”

Indicating Time: Prepositions establish relationships between events and time.


  • “The meeting starts at 9 AM.”
  • “We’ll be there by noon.”

Expressing Direction: Prepositions guide the movement from one place to another.


  • “They walked to the park.”
  • “The bird flew over the mountains.”

Conveying Manner: Prepositions illustrate how an action is performed.


  • “She painted with a brush.”
  • “He spoke in a soft voice.”

Showing Possession: Prepositions indicate ownership or association.


  • “The keys are in my pocket.”
  • “The dog belongs to the neighbor.”

Examples and Example Sentences:

  • “In”: The cat is sleeping in the basket.
  • “On”: The pen is on the desk.
  • “At”: We will meet at the restaurant.
  • “From”: I received a gift from my friend.
  • “To”: She traveled from Paris to London.
  • “With”: He went to the party with his sister.
  • “By”: The package was delivered by courier.
  • “Over”: The plane flew over the ocean.
  • “With”: I wrote a letter with a pen.
  • “In”: The children played in the park.

Prepositions are vital elements of language that enable us to convey relationships, location, time, and more within sentences. By understanding their meaning, definition, and various uses, you can enhance your writing and communication skills. Armed with a repertoire of prepositions, you can precisely describe locations, indicate time, express manner, and illustrate possession. Practice incorporating prepositions into your sentences, and soon you’ll master their usage, adding depth and clarity to your language.

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