Phrasal Verbs With 'Take' -

Phrasal Verbs With ‘Take’

Phrasal Verbs With ‘Take’. A Phrasal verb like Take aback, Take after, Take apart, Take aside, Take away, Take back, and more.

Phrasal Verbs With ‘Take’

Take aback

Meaning: Surprise or shock
Example: I was a little taken aback at the directness of the question.

Take after

Meaning: Look like, resemble
Example: Pad and pencil were more than Glover could take after a long night under the weight of his thought.

Take apart

Meaning: Take something to pieces
Example: He proceeds to take apart every preconception anyone might have ever had about him.

Take aside

Meaning: Get someone alone to talk to them
Example: The teacher took her aside and said that she’d failed the exam.

Take away

Meaning: Remove
Example: Take away my good name and take away my life.

Take back

Meaning: Make someone nostalgic
Example: Shops are often reluctant to take back unsatisfactory goods.

Take back

Meaning: Retract a statement, admit that something was wrong
Example: The government has agreed to take back those people who are considered economic rather than political refugees.

Take down

Meaning: Make notes or write down in full
Example: Your removal men will dismantle bedsteads and take down pictures and wall decorations.

Take down

Meaning: Remove
Example: It would also be easy to take down and stow in stormy weather.

Take for

Meaning: Believe that someone is a certain kind of person
Example: The doctor has given me some medicine to take for my cough.

Take in

Meaning: Absorb information
Example: Several families take in foreign students.

Take in

Meaning: Deceive
Example: Our club plan to take in 20 new members.

Take in

Meaning: Make clothes smaller
Example: The salesman finds it easy to take in old ladies.

Take in

Meaning: Assume care or support
Example: Humans take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.

Take it

Meaning: Accept criticism
Example: It’s more trouble than it’s worth to take it back to the shop and ask for a replacement.

Take it out on

Meaning: Abuse someone because you’re angry
Example: Don’t take it out on me just because you’ve had a bad day.

Take it upon yourself

Meaning: Take responsibility, often without consulting other people
Example: Many problems can be prevented if you take it upon yourself to keep the lines of communication clear.

Take off

Meaning: Make great progress
Example: The plane will take off in twenty minutes.

Take off

Meaning: Reduce the price of an item
Example: I saw him take off his anorak and sling it into the back seat.

Take off

Meaning: When a plane departs or leaves the ground
Example: Strap in, please,the plane’s going to take off.

Take off

Meaning: Remove
Example: Tangerines have skins that are easy to take off.

Take on

Meaning: Allow passengers on a ship or plane
Example: He is always ready to take on heavy responsibilities.

Take on

Meaning: Assume a responsibility
Example: She refused to take on the traditional woman’s role.

Take on

Meaning: Employ
Example: No other organisation was able or willing to take on the job.

Take out

Meaning: Borrow a library book
Example: You should take out holiday insurance before you leave.

Take out

Meaning: Borrow money from a bank or other official lender
Example: She had to take out a bridging loan until she could sell her house.

Take out

Meaning: Extract or remove
Example: An incision was made into his hand to take out the splinter.

Take out

Meaning: Go out socially with someone, especially a date
Example: We recommend that you take out travel insurance on all holidays.

Take out

Meaning: Obtain insurance
Example: Student grants these days are paltry, and many students have to take out loans.

Take out

Meaning: Kill, murder
Example: She wondered if she should take out her nose stud for the job interview.

Take over

Meaning: Assume control of a company or organisation
Example: A British newspaper says British Airways plan to take over Trans World Airways.

Take over

Meaning: Start a job or position that someone had occupied before you
Example: It’s time for someone new to take over.

Take through

Meaning: Explain something to someone
Example: A sales channel is merely the route that goods take through the selling process from a supplier to a customer.

Take to

Meaning: Make a habit of something
Example: We underestimated the time it would take to get there.

Take up

Meaning: Fill or occupy time or space
Example: He was quick to take up the gauntlet thrown down by the opposition.

Take up

Meaning: Make clothes shorter
Example: The vice-president was forced to take up the reins of office.

Take up

Meaning: Start a new hobby, pastime, etc.
Example: There have been hints that he may take up coaching.

Take up

Meaning: Accept an offer
Example: The school bus stopped to take up pupils.

Phrasal Verbs With 'Take' -

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