Prepositional Phrases with ON
Preposition Definition
A preposition is a word that tells you how words are related in a sentence. It could often follow a verb, but it does not always. The example of the frog and a log can tell you a lot of them, but those are only one of two categories of prepositions.
In fact, there are two types of prepositions: ones that tell about the place and ones that tell about time and time order.
Prepositional Phrases with ON
On a bicycle | On a bus |
On a diet | On a journey/ trip/ cruise |
On a large / small scale | On a list |
On a motorbike | On a pension |
On a plane | On a regular basis |
On a ship | On a spree |
On a summer evening | On a train |
On a wall | On account of |
on an expedition | on an island |
On approval | On average |
On bail | on balance |
On behalf of | On board |
On business | On condition that |
On credit | On display |
On edge | On end |
On file | On fire |
On foot | On good terms |
On guard | On hand |
On holiday | On horseback |
On impulse | On leave |
On my birthday | On my wedding day |
On no account | On oath |
On occasion | On order |
on pain of | On paper |
On parade | On patrol |
On principle | On purpose |
On reflection | On remand |
On sale | on schedule |
On second thoughts | On show |
On strike | On suspicion of |
On television | On that day |
On the agenda | on the air |
On the assumption | On the brink of |
On the ceiling | On the corner |
On the dot | on the dot |
On the edge of | On the eve of |
On the first day | On the grounds of |
On the horizon | On the hour |
On the increase | On the job |
On the last day | On the menu |
On the move | On the off-chance |
On the outskirts | On the part of |
On the phone | On the point of |
On the radio | on the record |
on the road | On the roof |
On the run | On the second floor |
On the strength of | On the stroke of |
On the tip of | On the top of |
On the understanding that | On the verge of |
On the way | On the way to |
On time | On tiptoe |
On trial | On vacation |
on watch |

Prepositional Phrase Examples with ON
- I looked my slimmest ever on my wedding day and thoroughly enjoyed my holiday.
- The prisoners have now been on the run for three days.
- Tonight’s programme focuses on the way that homelessness affects the young.
- Someone on the radio was gabbling away in a foreign language.
- A few bidders inflated the prices on purpose.
- She arranged all her business affairs before going on holiday.
- The passengers on a plane arriving from Istanbul were set on by the pickets at Tegel airport yesterday.
- Did you go anywhere exotic on vacation this year?
- The prisoners were subsisting on a diet of bread and water.
- A friendship founded on business is better than business founded on friendship.
- Two men on a train almost get into a fistfight because one refuses to stop talking on his cell phone.
- The deal is conditional on approval by the French authorities.
- People on average are living much longer than before.
- Stop fussing about; the bus will arrive on time.
- Dinner was somewhat delayed on account of David’s rather tardy arrival.
- The family was forced to live on credit from local merchants.
- I remember once it snowed on my birthday, and I was so excited.
- Everyone should indulge in fantasy on occasion.
- A candle had set the curtains on fire.
- The constable was on leave and wearing civilian clothes.
- A woman on the corner was mumbling to herself.
- The rent will fall due on the last day of the quarter.