This list contains all the adverbs used in the English language that start with B. It includes negative and positive adverbs with B to describe a person.
List of Adverbs that start with B
Back | Back-and-forth | Backhandedly | Backstage |
Back-to-back | Backward | Backward/s | Backwardly |
Backwards | Bad | Badly | Bad-temperedly |
Baffledly | Bafflingly | Baggily | Bakingly |
Balancedly | Balancingly | Baldly | Balefully |
Balkingly | Balletically | Ballistically | Balmily |
Banally | Banefully | Bannerlike | Banteringly |
Barbarically | Barbarously | Barefacedly | Barefootedly |
Barely | Barrenly | Barwise | Basely |
Bashfully | Basically | Bawdily | Bce |
Beadily | Beamily | Beamingly | Bearishly |
Beatifically | Beauteously | Beautifully | Becalmingly |
Beckoningly | Becomingly | Bedraggledly | Bedward |
Befittingly | Before | Beforehand | Beforetime |
Befuddledly | Begrudgingly | Beguilingly | Behind |
Behither | Belatedly | Believably | Believingly |
Belike | Bellicosely | Belligerently | Below |
Bemusedly | Bendwise | Beneath | Beneficently |
Beneficially | Benevolently | Benignantly | Benignly |
Bent | Berserkly | Beseechingly | Besides |
Besottedly | Best | Bestially | Betime |
Betimes | Better | Between | Bewilderedly |
Bewilderingly | Bewitchingly | Biannually | Bias |
Biasedly | Biblically | Bibulously | Biennially |
Bigotedly | Biliously | Billowingly | Binaurally |
Bindingly | Biradially | Bird-like | Bis |
Bitchily | Bitingly | Bitterly | Bittersweetly |
Bizarrely | Blackly | Blamelessly | Blandly |
Blankly | Blasphemously | Blatantly | Blazingly |
Bleakly | Blearily | Blessedly | Blindingly |
Blindly | Blissfully | Blithely | Blithesomely |
Blockedly | Bloodily | Bloodthirstily | Bloody |
Bloomingly | Blotchily | Bluely | Bluffly |
Bluishly | Bluntly | Blurrily | Blushingly |
Blusteringly | Boastfully | Boastingly | Bodily |
Boilingly | Boisterously | Boldly | Bolsteringly |
Bombastically | Bone | Bonnily | Bookishly |
Boomingly | Boorishly | Bootlessly | Boozily |
Boredly | Boringly | Bossily | Botchedly |
Both | Botheredly | Bothersomely | Both-ways |
Bouncily | Bouncingly | Boundingly | Boundlessly |
Bountifully | Bovinely | Bowingly | Boyishly |
Bracingly | Braggingly | Bragly | Brashly |
Brassily | Brattily | Bravely | Brawlingly |
Brazenly | Breakingly | Breathily | Breathlessly |
Breathtakingly | Breezily | Briefly | Bright |
Bright-eyedly | Brightly | Brilliantly | Brimmingly |
Briskly | Brittlely | Broadcast | Broadly |
Broadwise | Broken-heartedly | Brokenly | Broodingly |
Brotherly | Bruisedly | Brusquely | Brutally |
Brutely | Brutishly | Bubblingly | Bulkily |
Bullheadedly | Bullyingly | Bumblingly | Bunglingly |
Buoyantly | Burdenedly | Burdensomely | Burningly |
Busily | Businesslike | But | Buxomly |
Buzzingly | By |
List of Adverbs with Meaning, Synonym, and Examples
Adverbs | Definition | Synonym | Example |
Back | Toward the rear; in the opposite direction from the one that one is facing. | Rearward, Behind | She glanced back at the old house as they drove away. |
Back-and-forth | Moving repeatedly in opposite directions. | Alternatingly, Reciprocally, To and fro | The children ran back-and-forth across the yard, playing tag. |
Backhandedly | In a manner that is indirect, subtle, or not straightforward. | Indirectly, Ambiguously, Insincerely | She complimented him backhandedly, implying he was only lucky. |
Backstage | In or relating to the area behind the stage in a theater, especially the dressing rooms and other areas used by performers. | Behind the scenes, Privately, Secretly | The actors were busy backstage preparing for their roles. |
Back-to-back | With one side touching or facing each other; consecutive and without interruption. | Consecutively, Sequentially, Continuously | They won back-to-back championships in the tournament. |
Backward | Directed toward the back or rear; in reverse. | Rearward, Backwards | He took a backward step, stumbling over the curb. |
Backward/s | In a direction opposite to the usual one; toward the rear. | Rearward, Backwards | He walked backward towards the door. |
Backwardly | In a manner indicating a backward direction or motion. | Rearwardly, Backwards | The car moved backwardly down the driveway. |
Backwards | Toward the back or rear; in the direction of one’s back. | Rearwards, Backwardly | She read the sign backwards, starting from the end. |
Bad | In a manner indicating poor quality or unacceptability. | Poorly, Inferiorly, Unacceptably | The movie was so bad that they left halfway through. |
Badly | In a poor or unsatisfactory manner; to a severe or serious extent. | Poorly, Severely, Seriously | The car was badly damaged in the accident. |
Bad-temperedly | In an irritable or ill-tempered manner. | Irritably, Crabbily, Grumpily | He responded bad-temperedly to the criticism. |
Baffledly | In a manner showing confusion or puzzlement. | Confusedly, Puzzledly, Bewilderedly | She looked at the instructions baffledly, unable to understand them. |
Bafflingly | In a manner that is confusing or perplexing. | Confusingly, Puzzlingly, Perplexedly | The solution to the puzzle was bafflingly simple. |
Baggily | In a loose or oversized manner, typically referring to clothing. | Loosely, Oversizedly, Saggingly | She wore a sweater baggily over her shoulders. |
Bakingly | In a manner related to baking, the process of cooking food using dry heat in an oven. | Cookingly, Culinarily, Gastronomically | The bread dough rose bakingly in the warm oven. |
Balancedly | In a manner showing stability or equilibrium. | Stably, Evenly, Steadily | She walked balancedly across the tightrope, never wavering. |
Balancingly | In a manner involving the act of maintaining balance or equilibrium. | Stabilizingly, Equilibratingly, Steadily | The gymnast moved balancingly on the beam, executing flawless routines. |
Baldly | In a manner that is blunt or without covering or disguising. | Bluntly, Frankly, Plainly | He stated his opinion baldly, not caring about the consequences. |
Balefully | In a manner showing harm or evil; ominously. | Ominously, Menacingly, Threateningly | The storm clouds gathered balefully on the horizon. |
Balkingly | In a manner showing reluctance or hesitation to proceed with an action. | Hesitantly, Reluctantly, Unwillingly | The horse moved balkingly at the sight of the water. |
Balletically | In a manner related to or characteristic of ballet, a formalized form of dance incorporating precise movements and gestures. | Gracefully, Elegantly, Precisely | She moved balletically across the stage, executing each step with grace. |
Ballistically | In a manner related to the science or study of the motion of projectiles, such as bullets or missiles. | Projectile motion, Missile motion, Flight | The missile traveled ballistically towards its target. |
Balmily | In a soothing or pleasantly mild manner. | Soothingly, Mildly, Pleasantly | The evening air was balmily warm, perfect for a leisurely stroll. |
Banally | In a manner that lacks originality or interest; typically. | Commonly, Ordinarily, Typically | The movie was banally predictable, following the same tired clichés. |
Banefully | In a manner that is full of woe or sorrow; mournfully. | Mournfully, Sadly, Woefully | The widow gazed banefully at her husband’s portrait, overcome with grief. |
Bannerlike | In a manner resembling or characteristic of a banner, a long strip of cloth bearing a slogan or design, typically used for advertising or signaling. | Banner-like, Flag-like, Streamer-like | The sun’s rays stretched bannerlike across the sky, heralding the dawn of a new day. |
Banteringly | In a playful or teasing manner. | Playfully, Teasingly, Jokingly | They spoke banteringly as they walked, enjoying each other’s company. |
Barbarically | In a manner characteristic of barbarians; savagely. | Savagely, Wildly, Ferociously | The invaders attacked barbarically, showing no mercy to the inhabitants. |
Barbarously | In a brutal, cruel, or uncivilized manner. | Cruelly, Savagely, Ruthlessly | The prisoners were treated barbarously by their captors. |
Barefacedly | Openly and shamelessly; without concealment or disguise. | Shamelessly, Openly, Brazenly | He lied barefacedly about his involvement in the scandal. |
Barefootedly | In a manner that is barefoot; without wearing shoes or socks. | Barefoot, Shoelessly, Unshod | The children ran barefootedly through the grass, feeling the earth beneath their feet. |
Barely | Only just; almost not. | Scarcely, Hardly, Just | He barely made it to the train before it departed. |
Barrenly | In a manner showing a lack of vegetation or fertility; desolately. | Desolately, Sterilely, Unproductively | The land stretched barrenly for miles, devoid of life. |
Barwise | In a manner related to or resembling a bar or bars, especially in shape or arrangement. | Bar-like, Rod-like, Pole-like | The fence was constructed barwise, with sturdy metal rods. |
Basely | In a low or dishonorable manner; ignobly. | Ignobly, Dishonorably, Shamefully | He acted basely, betraying his friend’s trust. |
Bashfully | In a shy or modest manner. | Shyly, Modestly, Timidly | She smiled bashfully when he complimented her. |
Basically | Essentially; fundamentally. | Essentially, Fundamentally, Primarily | Basically, the problem boils down to a lack of communication. |
Bawdily | In a manner that is obscene or indecent, typically related to sexual matters. | Obscenely, Indecently, Lewdly | The comedian’s jokes were often bawdily humorous. |
Bce | Before the Common Era; used to indicate years before the start of the current era, especially in academic or historical contexts. | Before Christ, Before the Christian era, Antiquity | The ancient civilization flourished around 2000 BCE. |
Beadily | In a manner showing readiness or eagerness, like a bead on a string. | Readily, Eagerly, Vigorously | He listened beadily to every word of the lecture, eager to learn. |
Beamily | In a cheerful or radiant manner; with a bright smile or expression. | Cheerfully, Radiantly, Happily | She greeted them beamily at the door, excited for their visit. |
Beamingly | In a manner showing great pleasure or satisfaction, often manifested by a bright, beaming smile. | Joyfully, Radiantly, Happily | He looked beamingly at his daughter, proud of her accomplishments. |
Bearishly | In a manner resembling or characteristic of a bear; gruffly or clumsily. | Gruffly, Clumsily, Ungracefully | He walked bearishly through the forest, knocking branches aside. |
Beatifically | In a manner showing blissful happiness or divine joy. | Blissfully, Joyfully, Ecstatically | She smiled beatifically as she watched her newborn child sleep. |
Beauteously | In a manner showing beauty or splendor; beautifully. | Beautifully, Splendidly, Magnificently | The garden bloomed beauteously in the spring sunshine. |
Beautifully | In a manner showing beauty or excellence. | Beautifully, Excellently, Splendidly | She danced beautifully across the stage, captivating the audience. |
Becalmingly | In a manner that soothes or calms. | Soothingly, Calmingly, Tranquilly | The gentle waves lapped becalmingly against the shore. |
Beckoningly | In a manner indicating a gesture of invitation or enticement. | Invitingly, Alluringly, Temptingly | She smiled beckoningly, urging him to follow her. |
Becomingly | In a manner that is appropriate or suitable; in a way that enhances one’s appearance or behavior. | Suitably, Appropriately, Fittingly | She dressed becomingly for the job interview. |
Adverbs | Definition | Synonym | Example |
Bedraggledly | In a disheveled, untidy, or dirty manner, typically referring to clothing or hair. | Disheveledly, Untidily, Messily | She emerged bedraggledly from the storm, her clothes soaked through. |
Bedward | Toward or in the direction of bed, often used to indicate movement or orientation. | Towards bed, To bed, Bedside | She stumbled bedward after a long and tiring day at work. |
Befittingly | In a manner suitable or appropriate for a particular situation or occasion. | Suitably, Appropriately, Properly | He was dressed befittingly for the formal dinner party. |
Before | In a period of time preceding a particular event or point in time. | Prior to, Earlier than, Ahead of | They arrived before the scheduled meeting time. |
Beforehand | In advance; in anticipation of a future event. | In advance, Previously, Ahead of time | She prepared the presentation beforehand to ensure everything was ready. |
Beforetime | In former times; previously. | Previously, Formerly, In the past | He was a great leader in the village beforetime. |
Befuddledly | In a manner showing confusion or bewilderment. | Confusedly, Bewilderedly, Perplexedly | He looked befuddledly at the complicated instructions. |
Begrudgingly | In a reluctant or unwilling manner, often due to resentment or envy. | Reluctantly, Unwillingly, Resentfully | He agreed begrudgingly to lend his car to his brother. |
Beguilingly | In a charming or enchanting manner, typically intended to deceive or entice. | Charmingly, Enchantingly, Alluringly | She smiled beguilingly, luring him into her trap. |
Behind | In or to a position further back than a particular point or place. | Backward, Rearward, In the rear | The cat hid behind the couch, out of sight. |
Behither | In the direction toward the speaker or toward a specified place. | Hither, Towards here, In this direction | Come behither, and let me show you something. |
Belatedly | Later than usual or than expected; tardily. | Tardily, Late, Overdue | He apologized belatedly for missing the deadline. |
Believably | In a manner that is credible or plausible; in a way that can be believed. | Credibly, Plausibly, Convincingly | His explanation seemed believably sincere. |
Believingly | In a manner showing belief or trust in something or someone. | Trustingly, Faithfully, Credulously | She nodded believingly as he reassured her everything would be okay. |
Belike | Probably; likely. | Likely, Probably, Perhaps | He will belike return home by evening. |
Bellicosely | In a hostile or aggressive manner. | Hostilely, Aggressively, Combatively | He argued bellicosely with anyone who opposed his views. |
Belligerently | In a manner showing readiness to fight or engage in conflict. | Aggressively, Hostilely, Combatively | The soldiers advanced belligerently toward the enemy lines. |
Below | At a lower level or layer than; beneath. | Beneath, Under, Lower | The temperature dropped to below freezing overnight. |
Bemusedly | In a manner showing mild amusement or perplexity. | Amusedly, Puzzledly, Confusedly | She chuckled bemusedly at his quirky sense of humor. |
Bendwise | In a diagonal direction; at an angle. | Diagonally, Obliquely, Slantwise | The tree grew bendwise towards the sunlight. |
Beneath | In or to a lower position; below. | Below, Underneath, Under | The treasure lay hidden beneath the old oak tree. |
Beneficently | In a manner showing kindness or generosity. | Kindly, Generously, Charitably | They acted beneficently by donating to the charity. |
Beneficially | In a manner that is advantageous or beneficial; in a way that promotes well-being. | Advantageously, Positively, Advantageously | The new policy will impact the company beneficially in the long run. |
Benevolently | In a kindly or charitable manner. | Kindly, Charitably, Generously | She smiled benevolently at the children playing in the park. |
Benignantly | In a manner showing kindness or gentleness. | Kindly, Gently, Mercifully | The old man looked benignantly upon the stray kitten. |
Benignly | In a gentle or kindly manner; with benign intentions. | Gently, Kindly, Mercifully | She spoke benignly to her nervous students, calming their fears. |
Bent | In a determined or resolved manner; with one’s will directed towards a particular course of action. | Determinedly, Resolutely, Firmly | He was bent on completing the project by the deadline. |
Berserkly | In an uncontrolled or frenzied manner, typically associated with wild or violent behavior. | Frenziedly, Wildly, Violently | He ran berserkly through the streets, causing chaos wherever he went. |
Beseechingly | In a manner showing earnest or pleading entreaty. | Pleadingly, Imploringly, Pitiably | She looked at him beseechingly, hoping he would understand her predicament. |
Besides | In addition to; apart from that. | Additionally, Moreover, Furthermore | Besides studying, she also enjoys painting and playing the piano. |
Besottedly | In a manner showing infatuation or foolish love. | Infatuatedly, Foolishly, Obsessively | He stared besottedly at his crush, oblivious to everything else around him. |
Best | To the highest degree; most. | Most, Optimumly, Supreme | He tried his best to finish the race as quickly as possible. |
Bestially | In a manner resembling or characteristic of a beast; savagely or brutishly. | Savagely, Brutishly, Animalistically | The prisoners were treated bestially by their captors. |
Betime | Early; in good time; before it is too late. | Early, Promptly, Timely | She arrived betime for the meeting, well-prepared and ready to go. |
Betimes | Early; in good time; before it is too late. | Early, Promptly, Timely | He liked to rise betimes to enjoy the quiet of the morning. |
Better | In a superior or more satisfactory manner. | Superiorly, More satisfactorily, More effectively | With a little practice, she became better at playing the piano. |
Between | In or into the space separating two or more points, objects, people, etc. | Amid, Among, In the middle | She sat between her two friends during the movie. |
Bewilderedly | In a manner showing confusion or disorientation. | Confusedly, Disorientedly, Puzzledly | She looked around bewilderedly, unsure of where she was. |
Bewilderingly | In a manner causing confusion or disorientation. | Confusingly, Disorientingly, Puzzlingly | The instructions were written bewilderingly, making it hard to understand. |
Bewitchingly | In a manner that is charming or enchanting, often with a hint of magic or mystery. | Charmingly, Enchantingly, Alluringly | She smiled bewitchingly, casting a spell over everyone in the room. |
Biannually | Twice a year; semiannually. | Semiannually, Every six months | The report is published biannually, in January and July. |
Bias | Inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something, typically considered unfair. | Prejudice, Partiality, Preference | Her bias towards certain students affected her grading. |
Biasedly | In a manner showing prejudice or favoritism towards a particular viewpoint or group. | Prejudicially, Partially, One-sidedly | He judged the situation biasedly, favoring his own interests. |
Biblically | In a manner related to or characteristic of the Bible or its teachings. | Biblically, Scripturally, Religiously | The story was interpreted biblically by scholars. |
Bibulously | In a manner related to or involving drinking alcoholic beverages, typically to excess. | Drunkenly, Intoxicatedly, Boozeily | The partygoers danced and laughed bibulously into the night. |
Biennially | Every two years; occurring or taking place every second year. | Every two years, Biannually, Semiannually | The conference is held biennially in different cities around the world. |
Bigotedly | In a manner showing intolerance or prejudice towards those holding different opinions or beliefs. | Intolerantly, Prejudicially, Narrow-mindedly | He spoke bigotedly against people of different races. |
Biliously | In a manner characteristic of or pertaining to bile; angrily or irritably. | Angrily, Irritably, Angrily | He glared biliously at anyone who dared to disagree with him. |
Billowingly | In a manner that is voluminous, full, or swelling, often describing clothing or fabric. | Voluminously, Swellingly, Flowingly | She wore a dress that flowed billowingly as she walked. |
Binaurally | In a manner relating to or using both ears, especially in sound recording or reproduction. | With both ears, Using both ears | The concert was recorded binaurally to provide a more immersive listening experience. |
Bindingly | In a manner that is obligatory or compelling; in a way that creates a strong sense of duty or commitment. | Compulsively, Obligatorily, Compellingly | The contract was bindingly signed by both parties, legally obligating them to fulfill its terms. |
Adverbs | Definition | Synonym | Example |
Biradially | In a manner extending or radiating in two opposite directions from a central point, resembling a bi-radial structure. | Radially, From the center, Spread out | The leaves of the plant grew biradially, forming a symmetrical pattern. |
Bird-like | In a manner resembling or characteristic of a bird. | Avianly, Feathery, Wingedly | She moved her arms bird-like as she danced around the room. |
Bis | Twice; two times. | Twice, Two times, Two-fold | The recipe calls for adding the spices bis to enhance the flavor. |
Bitchily | In a manner showing spiteful or malicious behavior, typically associated with a female dog. | Spitefully, Maliciously, Meanly | She responded bitchily to his compliment, making everyone uncomfortable. |
Bitingly | In a manner causing sharp, stinging pain, whether physical or emotional. | Sharply, Acutely, Piercingly | His criticism was delivered bitingly, leaving her feeling wounded. |
Bitterly | In a manner characterized by intense resentment or cynicism. | Resentfully, Cynically, Sourly | She wept bitterly over the loss of her beloved pet. |
Bittersweetly | In a manner combining both bitter and sweet emotions or tastes. | Poignantly, Wistfully, Tenderly | The song ended bittersweetly, leaving the audience with mixed feelings. |
Bizarrely | In a strange or unconventional manner; in a way that is markedly unusual or eccentric. | Strangely, Unconventionally, Oddly | The sculpture was shaped bizarrely, drawing attention from all who passed by. |
Blackly | In a manner characterized by darkness, gloom, or evil. | Darkly, Gloomily, Sinisterly | The storm clouds gathered blackly overhead, signaling an impending downpour. |
Blamelessly | In a manner free from blame or guilt. | Innocently, Guiltlessly, Cleanly | He protested his innocence blamelessly, insisting he had nothing to do with the crime. |
Blandly | In a manner lacking in flavor, character, or interest; insipidly. | Insipidly, Dully, Uninterestingly | The dish was seasoned so blandly that it lacked any discernible taste. |
Blankly | In a manner showing no expression or comprehension; with a vacant or empty gaze. | Vacantly, Expressionlessly, Dully | She stared blankly at the blank canvas, unable to come up with any ideas. |
Blasphemously | In a manner characterized by irreverence or disrespect towards sacred things or beliefs. | Irreverently, Sacrilegiously, Profanely | He spoke blasphemously of the church, offending many in the congregation. |
Blatantly | In a manner that is glaringly obvious or done openly and unashamedly. | Openly, Brazenly, Shamelessly | The company blatantly disregarded safety regulations, putting its workers at risk. |
Blazingly | In a manner characterized by intense heat, flames, or brightness. | Intensely, Brightly, Fiery | The sun shone blazingly in the sky, heating up the pavement. |
Bleakly | In a manner lacking hope or optimism; desolately. | Desolately, Hopelessly, Gloomily | She looked bleakly out the window at the rain-soaked streets. |
Blearily | In a manner marked by tiredness or blurred vision, typically from lack of sleep or intoxication. | Sleepily, Groggily, Blurredly | He blinked blearily as he tried to focus on the clock through tired eyes. |
Blessedly | In a manner suggesting divine favor or protection; fortunately. | Fortunately, Thankfully, Gratefully | The rain stopped blessedly just as they were about to start their picnic. |
Blindingly | In a manner characterized by intense brightness or dazzling effects, often to the point of being temporarily blinded. | Dazzlingly, Brilliantly, Overwhelmingly | The headlights of the oncoming car shone blindingly, making it hard to see. |
Blindly | In a manner lacking perception, judgment, or awareness; without seeing or understanding clearly. | Unseeingly, Unawarely, Inattentively | He followed her blindly, unaware of the danger lurking ahead. |
Blissfully | In a manner showing extreme happiness or joy. | Joyfully, Happily, Ecstatically | They walked blissfully hand in hand along the beach at sunset. |
Blithely | In a carefree or heedless manner; without concern or worry. | Carefreely, Unconcernedly, Lightly | She laughed blithely as if she didn’t have a care in the world. |
Blithesomely | In a cheerful or merry manner; with lightheartedness and joy. | Cheerfully, Merrily, Happily | The children played blithesomely in the park, enjoying the sunshine. |
Blockedly | In a manner that is obstructed or impeded, typically referring to movement or progress being hindered by obstacles. | Obstructedly, Hinderedly, Impededly | The road was blockedly congested with traffic, delaying their arrival. |
Bloodily | In a manner characterized by bloodshed or violence. | Violently, Gory, Bloody | The battle raged bloodily on the battlefield, leaving many wounded. |
Bloodthirstily | In a manner showing an eager or lustful desire for bloodshed or violence. | Violently, Ruthlessly, Aggressively | The dictator ruled bloodthirstily, crushing any opposition with force. |
Bloody | In a manner involving or characterized by bloodshed. | Gory, Violent, Bloodstained | The war was fought bloody battles, leaving devastation in its wake. |
Bloomingly | In a manner resembling the process of blooming, typically referring to flowers or plants. | Blossomingly, Floweringly, Bloomingly | The garden grew bloomingly with colorful flowers in the spring. |
Blotchily | In a manner marked by uneven or irregular patches or spots. | Spottily, Patchily, Unevenly | Her skin was blotchily red from the sunburn. |
Bluely | In a manner characterized by the color blue. | Bluishly, Cyanotically, Azurely | The sky was bluely painted with hues of blue as the sun set. |
Bluffly | In a manner characterized by frankness or straightforwardness, often to the point of rudeness. | Frankly, Abruptly, Curtly | He spoke bluffly, not mincing his words. |
Bluishly | In a manner tinged with the color blue or similar to the color blue. | Bluishly, Cyanotically, Azurely | Her lips were bluishly pale from the cold. |
Bluntly | In a manner characterized by directness and lack of subtlety, often to the point of rudeness or brusqueness. | Directly, Abruptly, Brusquely | She told him bluntly that she didn’t want to see him again. |
Blurrily | In a manner characterized by indistinctness or lack of clarity, typically referring to vision. | Indistinctly, Unclearly, Fuzzily | He looked at the picture blurrily, unable to make out the details. |
Blushingly | In a manner showing embarrassment or shyness, typically indicated by a reddening of the face. | Bashfully, Shyly, Embarrassedly | She smiled blushingly as he complimented her in front of everyone. |
Blusteringly | In a manner characterized by loud, boastful, or threatening speech or behavior. | Boisterously, Swaggeringly, Noisily | He stormed out blusteringly, slamming the door behind him. |
Boastfully | In a manner showing excessive pride or self-satisfaction, often accompanied by bragging or boasting. | Proudly, Arrogantly, Conceitedly | He spoke boastfully of his achievements, unable to conceal his pride. |
Boastingly | In a manner showing pride or satisfaction in one’s abilities or accomplishments. | Proudly, Triumphantly, Arrogantly | He smiled boastingly as he accepted the award for best actor. |
Bodily | In a manner relating to the whole body; physically. | Physically, Corporally, Fleshily | She threw herself bodily into the dance, moving with abandon. |
Boilingly | In a manner characterized by intense heat or agitation. | Intensely, Agitatedly, Heatedly | The pot bubbled boilingly on the stove, filled with simmering soup. |
Boisterously | In a manner characterized by noisy, energetic, and cheerful behavior. | Noisily, Energetically, Loudly | The children played boisterously in the yard, their laughter echoing. |
Boldly | In a courageous or fearless manner; with confidence and bravery. | Courageously, Fearlessly, Bravely | She stepped boldly onto the stage, ready to give her speech. |
Bolsteringly | In a manner providing support or reinforcement, typically to one’s confidence or morale. | Supportively, Reinforcingly, Encouragingly | His friends cheered him on bolsteringly as he attempted the daunting task. |
Bombastically | In a pompous, boastful, or grandiose manner, often characterized by exaggerated speech or behavior. | Pompously, Grandiosely, Exaggeratedly | He spoke bombastically about his achievements, inflating his importance. |
Bone | Completely; thoroughly; to the core. | Completely, Thoroughly, Totally | She was bone tired after the long day of work. |
Bonnily | In a manner that is pleasing or agreeable; pleasantly. | Pleasantly, Agreeably, Cheerfully | The flowers bloomed bonnily in the spring garden, filling the air with fragrance. |
Bookishly | In a manner characteristic of someone who spends a lot of time reading or studying; studiously or intellectually. | Studiously, Intellectually, Scholarly | He sat bookishly in the library, surrounded by piles of books. |
Boomingly | In a loud, deep, resonant manner, often associated with a booming sound or voice. | Loudly, Resonantly, Thunderously | His voice echoed boomingly across the canyon as he called for help. |
Boorishly | In a manner characteristic of a boor; rude, crude, or socially awkward. | Rudely, Crassly, Uncouthly | He behaved boorishly at the dinner party, offending everyone with his crude jokes. |
Bootlessly | In a manner without result or success; futilely. | Futilely, Ineffectively, Unsuccessfully | She searched bootlessly for her lost keys, but they were nowhere to be found. |
Boozily | In a manner affected by or suggestive of the influence of alcohol; drunkenly. | Drunkenly, Intoxicatedly, Inebriatedly | He stumbled boozily out of the bar, laughing loudly. |
Adverbs | Definition | Synonym | Example |
Boredly | In a bored or uninterested manner. | Uninterestedly, Listlessly, Disinterestedly | She sighed boredly as she flipped through the magazine, finding nothing of interest. |
Boringly | In a tedious or uninteresting manner. | Tediously, Monotonously, Dullingly | The lecturer spoke boringly, putting half the class to sleep. |
Bossily | In a domineering or authoritative manner. | Domineeringly, Authoritatively, Dictatorially | He ordered everyone around bossily, expecting them to obey his every command. |
Botchedly | In a manner done clumsily or badly; unsuccessfully. | Clumsily, Unsuccessfully, Poorly | The repair job was done botchedly, leaving the problem even worse than before. |
Both | In a manner involving two people, things, or groups together; similarly. | Similarly, Likewise, Together | They walked both to the store, chatting amiably along the way. |
Botheredly | In a manner expressing annoyance or irritation. | Annoyedly, Irritatedly, Frustratedly | She glanced botheredly at her watch, realizing she was running late. |
Bothersomely | In a manner causing annoyance or trouble. | Annoyingly, Troublesomely, Irritatingly | The neighbors’ loud music played bothersomely throughout the night. |
Both-ways | In a manner considering or involving both alternatives or sides. | Two-sidedly, Reciprocally, Alternately | They agreed to compromise both-ways to reach a mutually beneficial solution. |
Bouncily | In a manner showing liveliness or energy, typically involving bouncing movements. | Lively, Energetically, Sprightly | The puppy ran bouncily around the yard, chasing after butterflies. |
Bouncingly | In a manner characterized by lively, bouncing movements. | Lively, Energetically, Sprightly | The ball bounced bouncingly down the stairs, much to the delight of the children. |
Boundingly | In a manner showing energetic or vigorous movement, typically with bounding steps. | Energetically, Vigorously, Sprightly | The deer leaped boundingly through the forest, graceful and agile. |
Boundlessly | In a manner without bounds or limits; infinitely. | Infinitely, Endlessly, Limitlessly | Her love for him was boundlessly deep, knowing no limits. |
Bountifully | In a manner showing abundance or generosity. | Abundantly, Generously, Plentifully | The garden grew bountifully, producing more vegetables than they could eat. |
Bovinely | In a manner characteristic of or resembling a cow or ox; in a slow or stolid manner. | Cowlily, Stolidly, Slowly | He plodded bovinely along the path, his movements slow and deliberate. |
Bowingly | In a manner showing respect or deference, typically indicated by a bow or nod of the head. | Respectfully, Deferentially, Submissively | He greeted the king bowingly, bowing deeply before him. |
Boyishly | In a manner characteristic of or resembling a boy, typically with youthful energy or innocence. | Youthfully, Innocently, Playfully | He grinned boyishly as he showed off his new toy. |
Bracingly | In a manner invigorating or refreshing; with a bracing effect. | Invigoratingly, Refreshingly, Stimulatingly | The cold wind blew bracingly against their faces, waking them up. |
Braggingly | In a manner characterized by boasting or bragging about one’s accomplishments or abilities. | Boastfully, Conceitedly, Arrogantly | He spoke braggingly about his latest achievement, exaggerating his role in its success. |
Bragly | In a manner characterized by boasting or bragging about one’s accomplishments or abilities. | Boastfully, Conceitedly, Arrogantly | He talked bragly about how much money he earned, trying to impress everyone. |
Brashly | In a manner showing a lack of sensitivity or consideration; boldly or recklessly. | Boldly, Recklessly, Insensitively | She acted brashly, saying whatever came to mind without thinking about the consequences. |
Brassily | In a manner characterized by the harsh or loud sound of brass, typically referring to musical instruments. | Harshly, Loudly, Piercingly | The trumpet blared brassily over the marching band, announcing their arrival. |
Brattily | In a manner characteristic of or resembling a spoiled or ill-behaved child; petulantly. | Spoiledly, Petulantly, Childishly | She stomped brattily out of the room, angry at not getting her way. |
Bravely | In a courageous or fearless manner; with bravery or valor. | Courageously, Fearlessly, Valiantly | He faced the danger bravely, refusing to back down. |
Brawlingly | In a manner characterized by fighting or quarreling, typically involving physical violence. | Fightingly, Quarrelingly, Aggressively | The two men argued brawlingly in the street, attracting a crowd of onlookers. |
Brazenly | In a bold and shameless manner, typically involving disregard for others’ opinions or conventions. | Boldly, Shamelessly, Audaciously | She lied brazenly to cover up her mistake, showing no remorse. |
Breakingly | In a manner involving breaking or separating into parts. | Separately, Discontinuously, Divisively | The waves crashed breakingly against the rocks, sending spray into the air. |
Breathily | In a manner characterized by a soft or hushed voice, often with short pauses for emphasis. | Softly, Gently, Whisperingly | She spoke breathily, her words barely audible above a whisper. |
Breathlessly | In a manner characterized by the inability to breathe properly, often due to excitement, exertion, or anticipation. | Excitedly, Excitingly, Anticipatingly | She waited breathlessly for the results of the competition to be announced. |
Breathtakingly | In a manner causing one to feel intense emotion or excitement, typically by being extremely beautiful, impressive, or awe-inspiring. | Stunningly, Awe-inspiringly, Exhilaratingly | The view from the mountaintop was breathtakingly beautiful, stretching for miles in every direction. |
Breezily | In a light and casual manner; cheerfully and unconcernedly. | Cheerfully, Casually, Lightly | She waved breezily to her neighbors as she strolled down the street. |
Briefly | In a short or concise manner; for a short time. | Concisely, Shortly, Quickly | He explained the situation briefly before moving on to the next topic. |
Bright | In a manner characterized by light, vividness, or intelligence. | Vividly, Intelligently, Shrewdly | The sun shone bright in the sky, illuminating everything below. |
Bright-eyedly | In a manner characterized by alertness, curiosity, or readiness. | Alertly, Curiously, Eagerly | The children looked bright-eyedly at the presents under the Christmas tree. |
Brightly | In a manner characterized by light, vividness, or intelligence. | Vividly, Intelligently, Shrewdly | The stars twinkled brightly in the clear night sky. |
Brilliantly | In a manner showing exceptional talent, intelligence, or skill; with brilliance or excellence. | Excellently, Superbly, Magnificently | She performed brilliantly on the piano, dazzling the audience with her skill. |
Brimmingly | In a manner filled to the brim; overflowing with something. | Overflowingly, Abundantly, Copiously | Her eyes were brimmingly with tears as she listened to the touching story. |
Briskly | In a quick and energetic manner. | Quickly, Energetically, Swiftly | He walked briskly down the street, eager to reach his destination. |
Brittlely | In a manner characterized by brittleness; easily broken or shattered. | Easily, Fragilely, Breakably | The ice cracked brittlely beneath their feet as they walked across the frozen lake. |
Broadcast | In a manner distributed widely or to a large audience; publicly. | Publicly, Widely, Openly | The news was broadcast to millions of viewers around the world. |
Broadly | In a wide or general manner; with broad scope or inclusiveness. | Widely, Generally, Universally | She smiled broadly at the news of her promotion. |
Broadwise | In a direction across the breadth or width of something. | Widthwise, Sideways, Crosswise | He laid the boards broadwise across the floor, covering them completely. |
Broken-heartedly | In a manner expressing great sorrow or grief due to a broken heart or emotional distress. | Grief-strickenly, Sorrowfully, Mournfully | She cried broken-heartedly when she found out he was leaving. |
Brokenly | In a manner interrupted by sobs or emotional turmoil; with difficulty or incompleteness. | Emotionally, Incompletely, Haltingly | He spoke brokenly of his lost love, tears choking his words. |
Broodingly | In a manner characterized by deep, troubled thought or contemplation. | Thoughtfully, Pensively, Contemplatively | He stared broodingly out the window, lost in his own thoughts. |
Brotherly | In a manner showing love, care, or affection, as between brothers; fraternally. | Fraternally, Lovingly, Affectionately | He embraced his friend brotherly, offering comfort and support. |
Bruisedly | In a manner showing the effects of bruising or injury; with bruises. | Injuredly, Hurtfully, Sorely | He walked bruisedly after the accident, nursing his injuries. |
Brusquely | In a manner abrupt or blunt in speech or manner; curtly. | Abruptly, Curtly, Bluntly | She answered brusquely, not wanting to discuss the topic further. |
Brutally | In a manner characterized by cruelty or harshness; ruthlessly. | Cruelly, Harshly, Ruthlessly | The dictator ruled brutally, suppressing any opposition with violence. |
Brutely | In a manner characterized by force or violence. | Violently, Forcefully, Powerfully | He pushed brutely against the door, trying to force it open. |
Brutishly | In a manner resembling or characteristic of a brute; savagely or brutally. | Savagely, Savagely, Beastly | He behaved brutishly, showing no regard for the feelings of others. |
Bubblingly | In a manner characterized by bubbles or bubbling; with effervescence or liveliness. | Effervescently, Lively, Cheerfully | She laughed bubblingly at his joke, finding it hilarious. |
Bulkily | In a manner characterized by bulk; in a bulky or cumbersome manner. | Cumbersomely, Heavily, Clumsily | The package was wrapped bulkily, making it difficult to carry. |
Bullheadedly | In a manner characterized by stubbornness or obstinacy; obstinately. | Stubbornly, Obstinate, Obdurately | He proceeded bullheadedly with his plan, refusing to listen to reason. |
Bullyingly | In a manner characterized by bullying behavior; aggressively or oppressively. | Aggressively, Oppressively, Intimidatingly | He spoke bullyingly to his subordinates, making them feel small and insignificant. |
Bumblingly | In a clumsy or inept manner; awkwardly or incompetently. | Awkwardly, Ineptly, Clumsily | He fumbled bumblingly with the lock, unable to get the door open. |
Bunglingly | In a clumsy or inept manner; awkwardly or incompetently. | Awkwardly, Ineptly, Clumsily | He handled the situation bunglingly, making mistake after mistake. |
Buoyantly | In a cheerful and optimistic manner; with a sense of lightness or buoyancy. | Cheerfully, Optimistically, Lightly | She walked buoyantly into the room, her smile brightening the space. |
Burdenedly | In a manner characterized by the weight of a burden; heavily or with difficulty. | Heavily, Weightily, Difficultly | She walked burdenedly under the weight of her heavy backpack. |
Burdensomely | In a manner causing a heavy burden or load; oppressively or painfully. | Heavily, Oppressively, Painfully | The debt hung burdensomely over their heads, a constant source of worry. |
Burningly | In a manner characterized by intense desire or passion; fervently or passionately. | Passionately, Fervently, Intensely | She looked at him burningly, her eyes filled with desire. |
Busily | In a busy or industrious manner; with much activity or effort. | Actively, Industriously, Workingly | They worked busily to finish the project before the deadline. |
Businesslike | In a manner characteristic of business or professional conduct; efficiently and pragmatically. | Efficiently, Pragmatically, Professionally | She dealt with the matter businesslike, quickly and efficiently. |
But | However; nevertheless; on the contrary. | However, Nevertheless, Nonetheless | He promised to help, but he never showed up. |
Buxomly | In a manner characterized by a full, rounded figure, typically applied to women. | Full-figuredly, Plumply, Curvaceously | She walked buxomly down the runway, exuding confidence. |
Buzzingly | In a manner characterized by a buzzing or humming sound. | Hummingly, Buzzily, Vibrantly | The bees flew buzzingly around the hive, gathering nectar. |
By | Indicating the method or means used to achieve something; through. | Through, Via, Using | They traveled by train to reach their destination. |