Examples Of Simple Past Tense Sentences - wordscoach.com

Examples Of Simple Past Tense Sentences

Simple past tense sentences examples, 50+ sentences of simple past tense.

1. When I paid her one dollar, she answered my question.
2. She worked at the movie theater after school.
3. They never went to school, they always skipped class.
4. She was shy as a child, but now she is very outgoing.

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What are Linking verbs? - wordscoach.com

Linking Verbs

What are Linking verbs?

A linking verb is a verb that describes the subject by connecting it to a predicate noun or predicate adjective.

Example:- The room is hot.

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What is an Adjective? - wordscoach.com


What is an Adjective?

An adjective is a describing word. It gives more information about something.

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Interrogative Pronouns - wordscoach.com

Interrogative Pronouns

Interrogative pronouns assist in forming questions. There are five interrogative pronouns. Each one is used to ask a specific question or indirect question:

The five interrogative pronouns are what, which, who, whom, and whose. What – Used to ask questions about people or objects.

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The interrogative form - wordscoach.com

The interrogative form

The interrogative form is different if the verb is an ‘auxiliary’ verb (to be, to have, will, can, etc.), or a ‘normal’ (non-auxiliary) verb.

Interrogative of auxiliary verbs
Interrogative of normal verbs (non-auxiliary verbs)
Inverting the auxiliary to form the interrogative

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What are interrogative adverbs? - wordscoach.com

Interrogative adverbs

What are interrogative adverbs?

Interrogative adverbs are why, where, how, when. They are used to the beginning of a question.

– How does he speak?
– When does the train arrive?
– Why are you so late?
– Where is my passport?

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What is a quantifier in grammar? - wordscoach.com


What are quantifiers and examples?

Quantifiers are Adjectives and adjectival phrases that make up an important part of English Grammar.

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How to Use Capital letters

How to Use Capital letters

We are able to write each letter of the English alphabet as a small letter (abc…) or as a large or capital letter (ABC…).

In English, we do not use capital letters very much. We use them in particular for the first letter of sentences, names, days, and months as well as for some abbreviations. We usually write the first person pronoun as a capital I.

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Determiners - Classes of Determiners - wordscoach.com


A determiner is a word which is used at the beginning of a noun group to indicate. English determiners also known as determinatives.

For example, which thing you are referring to or whether you are referring to one thing or several. Common English determiners are ‘a’, ‘the’, ‘some’, ‘this’, and ‘each’.

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