
Double Take


Noticing something so peculiar that you have to check it twice to make sure what you saw was real.


  • So where would his Santa double take him?
  • Elijah did a double take and then reflexively dashed toward the princess.
  • The effect definitely causes a double take!
  • It's always kind of doing a double take: "What?"
  • I want every boy at school to do a double take when you strut past.
  • Then you have this double take and see that it's actually something that existed in time.
  • Every time I see you sitting at this table, I do a double take.
  • After seeing a picture of Perez-Lopez at a vigil, Father Richard remembers doing a double take.
  • When I walked in, he looked at me, and he looked away, and he did a double take.
  • You might do a You mental double take but silk is the best sheet for both image and function that will amaze you.