American Dream


The belief among Americans that hard work leads to material success


  • He grew up in poverty, but he never gave up on the American Dream of owning his own business.
  • She worked hard and sacrificed a lot to achieve the American Dream of becoming a successful lawyer.
  • He grew up in a small town, but he never lost sight of the American Dream of becoming a famous actor.
  • She moved to the United States with nothing, but she was determined to realize the American Dream of owning her own home.
  • He grew up in an immigrant family and had to overcome many obstacles to achieve the American Dream of getting a college education.
  • She came from a working-class background, but she never lost sight of the American Dream of becoming a doctor.
  • He grew up in a rough neighborhood, but he never gave up on the American Dream of becoming a professional athlete.
  • She moved to the United States with her family as a refugee, but she was determined to achieve the American Dream of starting her own business.
  • He grew up in a rural area, but he never lost sight of the American Dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur.
  • She came from a humble background, but she never gave up on the American Dream of becoming a successful journalist.
  • He grew up in a single-parent household, but he never lost sight of the American Dream of becoming a college professor.
  • She came from a poor family, but she was determined to achieve the American Dream of becoming a successful artist.
  • He grew up in an inner-city, but he never gave up on the American Dream of becoming a successful politician.
  • She came from a broken home, but she never lost sight of the American Dream of becoming a successful musician.
  • He grew up in a small town, but he never gave up on the American Dream of becoming a successful engineer.