Idioms about law
Idioms about law
above suspicion
Meaning: This phrase is used to describe a person who is honest enough that no one would suspect.
above the law
Meaning: Exempt from the laws that apply to everyone else.
bend the law
Meaning: The phrase to bend the law means to cheat a little bit without breaking the law.
Meaning: Separate and distinct from others of the same kind.
hold someone accountable (for something)
Meaning: to consider someone responsible for something.
in the eyes of the law
Meaning: legally.
Justice is blind
Meaning: This expression means that justice is impartial and objective. There is an allusion here to the Greek statue for justice, wearing a blindfold so as not to treat friends differently from strangers, or rich people better than the poor ones.
law of the jungle
Meaning: This expression means survival of the strongest or the fittest.
law unto oneself
Meaning: This idiomatic expression describes a person who behaves in an independent way, ignoring rules and what is generally accepted as correct.
lay down the law
Meaning: tell people what they should do in a forceful and stern way.
necessity knows no law
Meaning: Necessity knows no law is a proverb. It means that being desperate and having no means may lead you to do illegal things.
one's word is law
Meaning: The idiom one's word is law means that what someone says must be obeyed.
possession is nine points of the law
Meaning: Possession is nine points of the lawis a phrase used to suggest that if you really possess something, you will easily claim its ownership than someone who just says it belongs to him or her.
read the riot act
Meaning: if you read the riot act to someone, you warn or reprimand them energetically or forcefully
signed, sealed and delivered
Meaning: This expression refers to a document or an agreement which has been officially signed and completed satisfactorily.
the letter of the law
Meaning: This idiom is used when one is obeying the literal interpretation of the law, but not the intent or the spirit of those who wrote the law.
the long arm of the law
Meaning: This idiomatic expression refers to the far-reaching power of the authorities or the police.
the spirit of the law
Meaning: When one obeys the spirit of the law but not the letter, one is doing what the authors of the law intended, though not necessarily adhering to the literal wording.
unwritten law
Meaning: The phrase unwritten law refers to an accepted rule in spite of its informality.