Idioms about music

Idioms about music

  • all that jazz

    Meaning: Everything else related to something; and other similar things.

  • blow one's own horn

    Meaning: to brag; to talk boastfully.

  • call the tune

    Meaning: to be the one who controls a situation; to have the most power and authority in a situation

  • carry a tune

    Meaning: The phrase to carry a tune means to sing a melody accurately.

  • chin music

    Meaning: talk, conversation

  • clean as a whistle

    Meaning: If someone is as clean as a whistle they are perfectly clean.

  • draw in one's horns

    Meaning: to become less impassioned, aggressive, or argumentative; to back down from a fight; to yield or capitulate.

  • fine-tune

    Meaning: to make small adjustments to something until optimization is achieved

  • have to face the music

    Meaning: accept or face the unpleasant consequences of one's actions.

  • it takes two to tango

    Meaning: for something to work properly the cooperation of both parties is needed.

  • lock horns

    Meaning: to come into conflict.

  • make chin music

    Meaning: talk or chatter.

  • music to someone's ears

    Meaning: Some good news; a spoken expression or a sound which is pleasing; a welcome remark or information.

  • on the horns of a dilemma

    Meaning: To face a choice between two equally undesirable alternatives.

  • pull in one's horns

    Meaning: To become less impassioned, aggressive, or argumentative; to back down from a fight; to yield or capitulate.

  • sing the same tune

    Meaning: If people sing the same tune, they agree about a subject in public in spite of their disagreement.

  • stop the music

    Meaning: If something strikes a chord with you, it reminds you of something, it seems familiar to you or you are interested in it.

  • strike a chord

    Meaning: stop everything.

  • toot one's own horn

    Meaning: to boast; to brag

  • who pays the piper calls the tune

    Meaning: one who pays for something controls it.