Come to Grips With


To acknowledge a problem as a prelude to dealing with it


  • I mean, I've come to grips with my situation.
  • This little fantasy may be what's keeping you amazingly calm, but you've got to come to grips with reality.
  • The European Union is the level, the organizational form, within which we can cooperate most efficiently and come to grips with the problems most effectively.
  • The United States has to come to grips with this.
  • I had come to grips with a lot of fun and perseverance.
  • It took me a while to come to grips with that fact.
  • But you have to come to grips with yourself.
  • It certainly must be hard for the family to come to grips with.
  • This is not the place to try to come to grips with private matters.
  • He did not get up the bow he had come to grips with it.