Kangaroo Court


A court of law where proper procedures are not followed at all; a sham judicial proceeding


  • The Commission has been a kangaroo court.
  • A kangaroo court is what it is.
  • Mr President, the accusations against Mr Tsiakourmas are groundless to the point that they must surely be thrown out even by the kangaroo court in which he is being tried.
  • This is no kangaroo court. We simply want the facts.
  • Ain't got no time for a kangaroo court.
  • This is not a kangaroo court.
  • It's a kangaroo court.
  • The Five were tried in a kangaroo court and received very heavy sentences because of the crimes of Fidel Castro.
  • The kangaroo court was not listening to her (the judge even revealed that in the 500 drug related cases he had presided over he had never acquitted a defendant).
  • On 14 October 2010, a kangaroo court was held, in which Mr Venkatesan and other local leaders demanded that K. Saraswathy admit to stealing the funds.