Rock Bottom


An absolute low point


  • He hit rock bottom after losing his job and his wife leaving him.
  • She reached rock bottom when she became homeless and addicted to drugs.
  • The company hit rock bottom when its stock value plummeted and it had to lay off most of its employees.
  • The economy hit rock bottom during the recession with high unemployment and low growth.
  • He hit rock bottom when he was arrested for DUI and lost his driver's license.
  • She reached rock bottom when she was diagnosed with depression and had to be hospitalized.
  • The team hit rock bottom when they lost every game in the season and were last in the league.
  • The country hit rock bottom when it defaulted on its debt and faced severe economic crisis.
  • He hit rock bottom after losing all his savings in a scam.
  • She reached rock bottom when she lost custody of her children and was left with nothing.
  • The relationship hit rock bottom when they stopped communicating and decided to divorce.
  • The athlete hit rock bottom when he was banned from the sport for doping.
  • The company hit rock bottom when it was sued for fraud and had to pay millions in fines.
  • The student hit rock bottom when he failed all his exams and was expelled from school.
  • The patient hit rock bottom when he was diagnosed with terminal illness and given a few months to live.