Cat Got Your Tongue?


Don’t you have anything to say?


  • Why are you so quiet? Cat got your tongue?
  • You haven't said a word all meeting, cat got your tongue?
  • You're usually so talkative, what's wrong? Cat got your tongue?
  • You're not usually at a loss for words, cat got your tongue?
  • You're usually so vocal in class, what's up? Cat got your tongue?
  • You're usually so outgoing, what's going on? Cat got your tongue?
  • You're usually so quick to respond, cat got your tongue?
  • You're usually so articulate, what's the matter? Cat got your tongue?
  • You're usually so expressive, what's the problem? Cat got your tongue?
  • You're usually so assertive, what's changed? Cat got your tongue?
  • I haven't heard you speak in a while, cat got your tongue?
  • You're not speaking up, is something wrong? Cat got your tongue?
  • You're not participating in the discussion, cat got your tongue?
  • You're not joining in the conversation, what's wrong? Cat got your tongue?
  • You're not contributing to the group, cat got your tongue?
  • What’s happened to all your brains, Frankie boy? Cat got your tongue?