Lock and load


The phrase lock and load means to prepare for an imminent event.


  • All right, let's lock and load.
  • Okay, I gotta stop you right there, Lily, 'cause unless I'm mistaken, lock and load gentlemen.
  • All right, let's go, lock and load, let's play ball!
  • Oh yeah, lock and load.
  • Okay, let's lock and load.
  • So let's lock and load.
  • Time to lock and load.
  • Okay, I gotta stop you right there, Lily, 'cause unless I'm mistaken, lock and load gentlemen.
  • Android smartphones rock, but whether you use Avast, Lookout, the new Sophos, or another freebie antivirus/security app, you better lock and load to protect your Android before you become a victim and a stat.
  • Come on, lock and load. What's wrong? Don't you have any bullets left?