Running battle


The phrase running battle refers to an argument that continues over a long period of time.


  • Likewise, in the Prlić et. al case, while strict time limits were imposed at the commencement of trial, the Trial Chamber faces a running battle to ensure that the proceedings remain within the established framework of time allocation.
  • As the running battle continued, they found a way to make trouble.
  • Correa has been engaged in a running battle with the media since he took office in 2007.
  • A unilateral approach on its own is ineffective; we might as well be fighting a running battle.
  • At the same time, we can be open-handed in granting state support only after all pre-conditions and our other items of policy have been complied with, or else we would end up fighting a running battle.
  • Secondly, it is obvious that we are often fighting a running battle, for while these mines were being cleared in Afghanistan by all kinds of associations, others were being re-laid elsewhere.
  • Those who really do want to do something practical to address the problem of nuclear waste in Europe should first give their attention to where it comes from, or else they will simply be fighting a running battle.
  • We have even managed to bring in the more ambitious requirement that the quality of groundwater should not deteriorate, and so, rather than fighting a running battle, we really are clamping down on pollution.
  • At the same time, I fear that as long as our culture adopts the idea that you only count as a human being if you have a paid job, we will be left fighting a running battle.
  • Along Avenida Juárez a few bank and business windows were shattered as the running battle moved on to Alameda Park. The police began to make massive detentions, mainly of activists, but also of people who just happened to be in the streets that day.