Abacas [noun]

Definition of Abacas:


Synonyms of Abacas:

Opposite/Antonyms of Abacas:


Sentence/Example of Abacas:

Another use of mats is in the baling of two of the staple products of the Philippines, tobacco and abaca.

Weavers of abaca left their looms and hung out of the windows to talk with their neighbours about the great event.

Carigara is open to coast trade, exports large quantities of hemp, raises much rice, and manufactures cotton and abaca fabrics.

Seated at her window she would hear a roaring tattoo in the grove of abaca palms to the south.

The abaca is produced from the fibrous parts of the bark of the wild banana tree, found in the Philippines.

When will you make hemp from that abaca you cut into pieces?

Rice and abaca exported.The exports consist of rice and abaca.

Abaca is much stronger than hemp and is used white and unpitched.

It is usually found growing in well drained soil under the shade of banana and abaca plants and areca palms.

It is attached to a pole and used to clear dried leaves off of banana and abaca plants.