Abating [verb]

Definition of Abating:

lessen, grow or cause to grow less

Synonyms of Abating:

Opposite/Antonyms of Abating:

Sentence/Example of Abating:

As we learned more about the coronavirus, and restaurants instituted safety measures, my worry abated.

Scott said more restrictions could be on the way if the city’s infection rate does not abate.

Scott said more restrictions could be added if the city’s infection rate does not abate.

When cases abated, some of those restrictions were eased — and, before too long, Covid-19 cases were spiking again.

The city is also issuing bonds to abate property and other taxes over a 20-year term to cover the first $500 million investment by Netflix to build out the production facility.

Public health experts and hospital administrators say the abrupt rise in new cases is unlikely to abate in the next few weeks and could foreshadow a more difficult December, followed by an even rougher January and a darker February.

The furore which the steam-engine has excited and so long maintained in the mechanical world is decidedly abating.

Meanwhile, the latter began to show signs of abating energy after twelve hours' work.

The fury of the storm was abating and the lightning flashes were becoming less frequent.

The fever was abating, still the deft fingers dripping with the water pressed the fevered face.