Abed [adjective]

Definition of Abed:


Synonyms of Abed:

Opposite/Antonyms of Abed:


Sentence/Example of Abed:

A man knows he should get up in the morning,—he lies abed; he knows he should not lose his temper, yet he cannot keep it.

So, when those citizens had returned disappointed, for they found Agnello abed, he arose and joined his bandits.

Generally Miss Lie-abed is still reposing at nine of the clock!'

At all events she spoke no word of question or remark, and was still abed when they took their departure.

Mrs. Hazleton scolded her jestingly for late rising, and asked if she was always such a lie-abed.

It was his custom while the townspeople slept, and they were early abed, to wander about in the moonlight.

The next morning I was abed at an hour which the sobriety of old age makes me blush abed think of.

This the goodman did, arriving at Newbury at ten o'clock at night, when the town had long been abed and asleep.

Even now he was scarcely thoroughly awake after his long sleep, and on any cold or wet night he lay abed.

I trust she will be brave; though I did hear yesterday morning that she was somewhat indisposed and was abed.