abeyance [noun]

Definition of abeyance:

  • A state of temporary disuse or suspension.
  • A condition of being temporarily set aside or held in suspension.

Synonyms of abeyance:

Opposite/Antonyms of abeyance:

Sentence/Example of abeyance:

The project was put in abeyance due to lack of funding.

The court case was held in abeyance pending further investigation.

His plans for the future are in abeyance while he recovers from his illness.

The company's expansion plans are in abeyance until the new CEO is appointed.

The issue will be held in abeyance until more information is available.

She placed her career in abeyance to take care of her family.

The construction work is in abeyance during the winter months.

The treaty was in abeyance after the change in government.

The decision was kept in abeyance until the board could review all the facts.

Her membership status is in abeyance until the fees are paid.

The new policy is in abeyance pending approval from the stakeholders.

The meeting was put into abeyance due to unforeseen circumstances.

The contract negotiations are currently in abeyance.

His research was in abeyance while he focused on teaching.

The festival is in abeyance this year because of the pandemic.

The inheritance was held in abeyance until the rightful heir was determined.

The legal proceedings are in abeyance pending the judge's decision.

The use of the old software was in abeyance until the new system was implemented.

The application process is in abeyance while the committee reviews the submissions.

The team's progress is in abeyance due to the leader's absence.