Abstainers [noun]

Definition of Abstainers:


Synonyms of Abstainers:

Opposite/Antonyms of Abstainers:

Sentence/Example of Abstainers:

A total abstainer, I had, I am thankful to say, strength enough to resist the temptation thus adroitly thrust upon me.

The preacher of the Spital sermon this year is to be a life-long abstainer, the Bishop of Carlisle.

A total abstainer is one who abstains from everything but abstention, and especially from inactivity in the affairs of others.

They absolve the sinner who can plead, "I was in love," more easily than the self-righteous abstainer.

He has taken ale or porter at times, "under doctor's counsel," but in general he has been an "abstainer."

The first and least thing that one can do to destroy drunkenness, is to be a total abstainer.

Now Pattie was a staunch little abstainer; all the more staunch because of her childhood's memories.

"I did not stay late—and I am an abstainer," said Reggie, wishing his visitor would depart.

He ceased to be an abstainer, and life changed at once for himself and for all those with whom he came in contact.

I surely am as earnest a prohibitionist and total abstainer as any woman or man in South Dakota or anywhere else.