Academies [noun]

Definition of Academies:

school, especially for higher education

Synonyms of Academies:

Opposite/Antonyms of Academies:


Sentence/Example of Academies:

Every time Selin turns to the academy to help her understand language, she finds herself trapped, undermined, rejected.

Grandparents create Tik Tok videos, travel the world with and without their grandchildren, two-step at the club, run their own dance academies, and have careers that they’re still growing and thriving in.

The academy this week announced new rules to mandate a certain level of diversity in nominated films and at the studios behind them.

The memory-intensive naming schemes in modern math may have the result of boxing out the laymen, but we must hope the priests of the academy are not doing it on purpose.

Catus argues that private security forces often require more training than the typical police academy does.

The district will also create a virtual academy for families who do not prefer on-campus instruction.

If you haven’t done so already, you should head over to Moz and sign up for their academy courses.

The collection in the Academy I thought much better, but still far enough behind similar galleries in Rome.

He was distinguished as an oriental scholar, and died while delivering an oration at the academy of Caen.

Ladies and gentlemen, he falteringly said, Signor Diotti left his hotel at seven oclock and was driven to the Academy.