Acumens [noun]

Definition of Acumens:

ability to understand and reason

Opposite/Antonyms of Acumens:

Sentence/Example of Acumens:

Leaning on his own fabled business acumen, the American premier has also demanded that his government receive a portion of any final sale price.

I’ve read casually over the years about the controversy over Noam Chomsky’s “universal grammar,” and was anxious to get Adger’s take, which he offered with easygoing acumen.

The ballad cares that Mulan is a strong and brave warrior, but it doesn’t care enough about her acumen as a soldier to spend time enumerating her deeds.

For more than 40 years, she has used her business acumen and passion for LGBTQ equality and acceptance to build two successful companies and contribute to landmark achievements nationally and internationally in the area of LGBTQ rights.

Those who occupy positions of power, despite their early acumen at a younger age, now seem to have completely lost their ability to understand others around them.

The reason they’re leading the way is that they’ve gained a strategic advantage over their rivals simply by shifting their focus to data rather than relying on business acumen alone.

Moreover, he held strong views on men and movements, and his criticisms told of a man of more than ordinary intellectual acumen.

It did not seem at all likely that a man of Mr. Bidlake's experience and mental acumen could have been so deceived.

This intellectual subtlety, acumen, and logical power the Brahmans never lost.

This covers up also a good deal of business acumen, shrewdness, and secretiveness which is not so childlike and bland.