Adulterating [verb]

Definition of Adulterating:

alter or debase, often for profit

Synonyms of Adulterating:

Opposite/Antonyms of Adulterating:

Sentence/Example of Adulterating:

If there were a law to punish those who adulterate or falsify "truth," our magistrates would be kept extremely busy.

Thou shalt not adulterate thy mess tin by using it as a shaving mug.

Moreover, a neighbor may pollute the water supply, foul the air, and adulterate the food.

It is, of course, illegal to adulterate milk, yet it is sometimes done.

The most convenient and possibly the most common materials used to adulterate milk are water and skim milk.

Whenever cotton yarn is used to adulterate other fabrics, it wears shabby and loses its brightness.

The melting point of the fatty acids in the oils used to adulterate olive oil differs considerably from this.

The merchant commended his bad wares for good, and knew how to adulterate and how to give short measure.

There is no temptation to adulterate such milk, for the process of condensation is cheaper than any mixture that could be passed.

The Brazilian and Peruvian cotton yields a long staple and is sometimes used to adulterate silk and other fibers.