Affronted [verb]

Definition of Affronted:

insult or involve in entanglement

Synonyms of Affronted:

Opposite/Antonyms of Affronted:

Sentence/Example of Affronted:

“It’s an outright affront to the government in its entirety,” says Antaeus Edelsohn, a University of Richmond law student and vexillology enthusiast.

Every executive order is a tyrannical affront to the Constitution.

Spears’s slick, breezy pop was an affront to rockist sensibilities, and claiming that Spears was fake was an easy way to dismiss her.

Not only was he annoyed, but he considered himself affronted by what seemed to him an unjust criticism.

And now you blame me,” cried I, “because I canna laugh and sing as if I was glad to be affronted.

At my first appearance, many of the young members affronted me highly, and demanded several scurrilous questions.

Joan, affronted by the savage impertinence, met her eyes defiantly, not giving an inch before the unexpected charge.

Into Natalie Weymans darkening eyes flared an expression of affronted surprise.

Besides, he would have been quite affronted if I had talked of paying him such a trifle, for he offered me any thing I pleased.

You have affronted a young lady who carries in the whole of her appearance the marks of meriting respect.'