Afield [adverb]

Definition of Afield:


Synonyms of Afield:

Opposite/Antonyms of Afield:


Sentence/Example of Afield:

Candidate sandwichesWhen chefs think of Delaware, they think of Capriotti’s — a sandwich shop that began in Wilmington and now has locations as far afield as Texas and California.

For Clorox executives, that means focusing on new areas, becoming experts on their own, and not having investment banks push ill-advised deals in categories too far afield.

They come in wonderful hunting regalia and in all the wonderful splendor of the Britisher when he is afield.

The British officer afield is a very different creature from the gilded ornament of an English mess.

But he did know that they met now and then, that Mills seemed to have some curious knowledge of when Bland was far afield.

These were days that forbade Michael to walk afield, and that with haunting, autumnal birdsong held him in a trance.

Afield, he was able to pick up propaganda broadcasts from Ceres.

Afield, you avoided beam communication, nowadays, whenever you could.

Mostly, now, during the long grind of expansion, he was afield.

The Abbot there was nephew of the Prior at Niederwerth, p 69and had taken this opportunity to extend his quest further afield.