Alarmed [adjective]

Definition of Alarmed:


Synonyms of Alarmed:

Opposite/Antonyms of Alarmed:


Sentence/Example of Alarmed:

After a 2016 fire tornado ripped through northern Canada and a firestorm consumed Gatlinburg, Tennessee, he said, “alarm bells started going off” for the insurance industry.

Meanwhile, last month, the WHO raised an alarm that the response to the ongoing Ebola outbreak in the west of the DR Congo is underfunded and facing logistic challenges.

He is one of a number of federal defense attorneys who have been sounding the alarm about conditions at the downtown prison, arguing that people being detained in the facility were being put at risk.

The idea is to make the trail go cold or, better yet, raise false alarms for investigators.

She was early to sound the alarm on the pandemic while also arguing for keeping parks and beaches open.

I didn’t sleep for more than two hours at a time, and I didn’t need an alarm to get up.

In late July, USPS sent out warnings to various states, including California, saying it might not be able to turn around election ballots in time for them to be counted, sounding alarm bells.

By November, as we previously reported, West Coast General was warning the Public Works Department that a number of issues, including the fire alarm system, still needed attention before employees could be moved in.

Some public institutions, like the North County Transit District, had a good sense that a disaster was coming and tried to sound an early alarm.

That same year, City Councilman Chris Ward sounded the alarm.