Alleging [verb]

Definition of Alleging:

assert; claim

Synonyms of Alleging:

Opposite/Antonyms of Alleging:

Sentence/Example of Alleging:

Fajardo seconds the demand of the citizens of Manila that the Audiencia be suppressed, alleging that it does more harm than good.

At first the duke denied his request, at one time alleging his absence, at another, indisposition.

Fox offered a factious opposition to this measure, alleging that it conferred a dangerous power on the executive.

Such women almost invariably justify their trade by alleging noble motives.

At first they excused their opposition by alleging that there were bandits and criminals of every kind in the ranks of the exiles.

One day she would not hear of Alenon, alleging that his age and personal blemishes placed the matter out of all consideration.

Genlis justified his neglect of these directions by alleging the orders of Admiral Coligny.

But whenever I could cozen an extra dollar out of him, alleging extra school expenses, I would do so.

Her husband did not come down very frequently, alleging that his business kept him in town, and that the journey was too long.

The purchaser or alienee brought an action against the tenant-in-tail, alleging that he had no legal title to the land.