Amplifications [noun]

Definition of Amplifications:

increase in size or effect

Synonyms of Amplifications:

Opposite/Antonyms of Amplifications:

Sentence/Example of Amplifications:

“A circuit breaker approach wouldn’t force them to deny anyone the right to post—but would deny them amplification,” she says.

That system expands the content users see beyond their own networks, but the company says it doesn’t think there is enough friction in hitting the Like button to warrant that extra amplification.

The company calls the decision a “worthwhile sacrifice to encourage more thoughtful and explicit amplification.”

Amplification, declamation, and exaggeration were at all times the faults of the Greeks, excepting Demosthenes and Aristotle.

Nearly all that she says would be tiresome amplification if any other was speaking of Phædra's passion.

However, there are times when this cannot be done: a point may be so well known that it needs no amplification.

He could hear his voice boom out with thunderous amplification and saw Scotty clap his hands to his ears.

"Because of the limit of amplification in the tubes," Arcot replied.

He read anew, and with marvelous amplification, the story with which the letter of his agent had already made him familiar.

Parts of this might have borne, I do not say amplification, for it was quite long enough, but a word or two of elucidation.