Anachronisms [noun]

Definition of Anachronisms:

error in time placement

Synonyms of Anachronisms:

Opposite/Antonyms of Anachronisms:


Sentence/Example of Anachronisms:

No editor could possibly tinker it into the whole which we possess; none could steer clear of many absurd anachronisms.

The late Homeric rhapsodists avoided such tempting anachronisms.

If this were so, the relative rarity of "anachronisms" and of modernisms in language in the Homeric poems is explained.

Virgil made no such attempt in the neid, of which, notwithstanding the manners abound in anachronisms of detail.

Ludicrous anachronisms, not unlike those experienced by Alice in her looking-glass journey, are occasioned by this practice.

But the poets were not careful archæologists, and regarded anachronisms as genially as did Shakespeare or Scott.

Powdered footmen serving modern coffee seemed here like anachronisms in livery.

Any trifling anachronisms or inconsistencies, which sometimes occurred, never troubled him in the least.

The reason is not apparent, especially since the transposition involves Luke in some anachronisms.

The two former are lost, and most scholars deny the authenticity of the Tabula on the ground of material and verbal anachronisms.