Appellation [noun]

Definition of Appellation:


Synonyms of Appellation:

Opposite/Antonyms of Appellation:


Sentence/Example of Appellation:

This wine approaches the more pricey appellation of Sancerre in its depth and minerality.

This last appellation seems to be another form of Riuiere du Fouez, given to this river by Cartier.

Champlain limits this appellation to the tribes that dwell upon the Ottawa.

This last appellation was but a nickname of the tribe, which was properly called Wendot or Wyandot.

Thomas Westfield died; a learned English divine, whose eloquence and pathos procured him the appellation of the weeping prophet.

Indeed, they used the epithet son of a goat in the same way as the modern vulgar do an appellation which is much more literal.

Thus, the sailor appellation of Admiral Gambier—“old bloody Politeful”—must not be inveighed against too hardly.

They accentuated the appellation in an extraordinary manner as though it had three b's and ten y's.

Names being regarded as things in such controversies, they bestowed on the anti-improvement gentlemen the appellation of Radicals.

She already saw the moment before her when Mzli would tell the district attorney's wife that new appellation.