Architectural [adjective]

Definition of Architectural:


Synonyms of Architectural:

Opposite/Antonyms of Architectural:


Sentence/Example of Architectural:

The palace is small, and is distinguished neither for taste nor architectural beauty: its sole charm is its situation.

We were of the opinion, however, that we had seen at least three or four others more extensive and of greater architectural merit.

Not even in Agra, and certainly not in gaudy Lucknow, had Malcolm seen any structure of such striking architectural effect.

Winona, in Northampton County, is another illustration of the early architectural house in Virginia.

He published several works on architectural and related subjects.

Churches, &c.—In the centre of Bristol a remarkable collection of architectural antiquities is found, principally ecclesiastical.

What a potent architectural charm was secreted in that mystic oil with which Father Norris touched the knee of Alice!

This gave opportunity for the same architectural magnificence that had distinguished the Roman theater from that of the Greeks .

They seem to be purely architectural steps, they lead nowhere, they have an air of absolute indifference to mortal ends.

The same may be said with respect to Medina, and I suspect that the towns of Yemen are generally poor in architectural remains.