Articulateness [noun]

Definition of Articulateness:


Synonyms of Articulateness:

Opposite/Antonyms of Articulateness:


Sentence/Example of Articulateness:

In one sentence, he treated us like adults and confirmed what I had struggled to articulate on the radio.

A big part of The Trade Desk’s success since its IPO four years ago has been how it articulated its intrinsic value to the industry.

These are articulate, well-researched works with concrete and valuable lessons that can be applied to your professional life.

Thus far, James had fumbled at articulating a true American cooking.

Memory of past and foresight of future convert dumbness to some degree of articulateness.

The night wind rustled in the corn with a crisp articulateness he had never noticed in daytime, and he felt like an eavesdropper.

It therefore fails altogether, I suggest, to carry on the progress of music towards greater articulateness.