Astonished [verb]

Definition of Astonished:


Synonyms of Astonished:

Opposite/Antonyms of Astonished:

Sentence/Example of Astonished:

He turns astonished tourist, as his camera sweeps up to the dome.

Earl Stoddard, the county’s head of emergency management — who said he was “astonished” by the allocation — urged state officials to give the county of 1 million residents more doses.

I’ve been lucky enough to taste hoshigaki in Japan, and as a new resident of Los Angeles, I am still astonished by the abundant persimmons growing freely in people’s backyards.

Microbial ecologists were astonished to find cells inside basalt far under the ocean floor that have survived for perhaps more than 100 million years.

It’s worth putting this in context because it’s as astonishing a stat as any women’s basketball player has put up in recent memory.

Louis was not less astonished at this charge, than the Empress had been at the communication which aroused it.

No; there I stood, half-astonished, half-abashed while the Marquise continued on her knees and made her silent orisons.

He stared at his men, astonished and impatient at this strange disobedience.

The eye admireth at the beauty of the whiteness thereof, and the heart is astonished at the shower thereof.

I am always astonished, amazed and delighted afresh, and even as I listen I can hardly believe that the man can play so!