Audiovisual [adjective]

Definition of Audiovisual:

affecting animate nerve organs

Synonyms of Audiovisual:

Opposite/Antonyms of Audiovisual:


Sentence/Example of Audiovisual:

"Look, Rovard," he told the audiovisual camera which was recording his reply to Grauffis.

Franz Veltrin was in evidence with his audiovisual recorder, and Colonel Zareff was leaning on his silver-headed sword cane.

And she has everything: all kinds of detection instruments, cameras, audiovisual pickups, armament.

And reporters, phoning stories in and getting audiovisual interviews of anybody who would hold still long enough.

Has anybody a portable audiovisual pickup that I can use to get some pictures in to my paper with?

Then I started picking my way through it, my portable audiovisual camera slung over my shoulder and a flashlight in my hand.

He was putting together the stuff I'd transmitted in for the audiovisual newscast.

Editing an audiovisual telecast is pretty much a one-man job.

Then he had the regalia he had worn in his last audiovisual to Angus dusted off.