Axed [verb]

Definition of Axed:

cut with large blade

Synonyms of Axed:



Cut down



Opposite/Antonyms of Axed:


Sentence/Example of Axed:

He said dat he loved me den too, but hit wus three Sundays 'fore he axed ter see me home.

Den de captain of de Yankees come to Mammy's cabin an' axed her whar de meat house an' flour an' sech at.

Dey killed an' stold ever'thing, an' at last ole massa went to Raleigh an' axed fer a gyard.

He knows I've got a still over hyeh as well as you do—an' he's never axed a question nor peeped an eye.

I made-b'lieve as you were to be tried next week, and I axed him to come to the trial.

I'm goin' to-neet, because I dunnot want to be axed questions.

"Oh, I fort yu axed dat ar boy who made him," she answered with a broad smile.

I axed master, if soe bee he knowed sitch a man as one Captain Tomlinson?

Ye see, me an' John was axed into the Rectory afterwards to meet the missionary an' hev a cup of tea.

But he give me his card and axed me to write to him if I ever heard anything further from em, or about em.