Bards [noun]

Definition of Bards:


Synonyms of Bards:

Opposite/Antonyms of Bards:


Sentence/Example of Bards:

Ossian was the rage—quotations from the blind bard of Morven were in every one's mouth.

He asserts his dignity as bard and inspired man of his people.

Meager indeed is our knowledge of this only British bard whose works have endured through thirty centuries.

True it is, as the great bard expresses it, that "there's a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them as we will."

But still the patriot, and the patriot-bard, in bright succession raise, her ornament and guard.

Let some grey bard be near me to tell the deeds of other times, of kings renowned in our land, of chiefs we behold no more.

If the event had only transpired a trifle later, as the bard so nearly says, it would never have transpired at all.

Here the peerless bard, “Dante” sang his deathless song and made his lovely Beatrice immortal.

The ordinary place of the bard was as a member of a kings or chieftains household.

Fluctibus et fremitu assurgens sang the bard, and the words still echo down through time.