Battleground [noun]

Definition of Battleground:

historical or notable sight

Synonyms of Battleground:

Opposite/Antonyms of Battleground:


Sentence/Example of Battleground:

But he must wait until they had gone a safe distance from the battleground.

The storehouse was large enough to make a good battleground, but, unfortunately for the mice, contained only one entrance.

But they do say that sometimes we may look upon the shadowy outline of the ancient Hollanders who made this their battleground.

Often a battleground, Chteau-Thierry was captured by the English in 1421.

Between the limits thus marked out, there lies, so to speak, the battleground of modern zoology.

To them it was a possible battleground; with a view to cover, it was a strategic position, and they were satisfied with it.

The whole country beyond here is a battleground, for we shall soon be in touch with the enemy on the way to Brussels.

On the contrary, it offers the battleground on which this distinction can be fought out.

A three-cornered war, with Southern Peru for its battleground, was anything but what he desired to see.

A piece of money bearing Csar's image is no battleground for the rights of God.