Bayer [adjective]

Definition of Bayer:

dark, burnished color

Synonyms of Bayer:

Opposite/Antonyms of Bayer:


Sentence/Example of Bayer:

Bayer next came to the precepts on the distinction of meats and other Roman usages.

After some remarks on the ordinances and traditions of the Church, Bayer came to the epilogue of the Confession.

Experience has taught that, if extensive destructive changes of the foot exist, the Bayer operation is not indicated.

As our correspondent points out, the Bayer Cross is used on the label of the Winthrop products.

This concern seemingly secured control of all the Bayer pharmaceutical specialties except Aspirin.

This is done by conveying the inference that the only pure acetylsalicylic acid on the market is that known as Aspirin-Bayer.

The Tribune was requested to investigate into the standing of the Bayer company and its product.

The advertising campaign of Aspirin, Bayer since it entered the patent medicine field has been typical of that field.

Sir William Herschel long ago drew attention to the irregular manner in which Bayer's system had been applied.

Towards midnight he returned to the curé's door, crying out three times in a terrible voice, "Monsieur Bayer!"