Behooving [verb]

Definition of Behooving:

be necessary, proper

Synonyms of Behooving:

Opposite/Antonyms of Behooving:


Sentence/Example of Behooving:

Now as heretofore it will behoove the Editor of these pages, were it never so unsuccessfully, to do his endeavor.

It was not that he feared an action for breach of promise, but that, as a gentleman, it would behoove him to be true to his word.

Therefore it does not behoove any active man to make gratuitous additions of a peculiar nature to the law of business.

A private letter to me was sealed up with his will, which, of course, it would not behoove me to make public.

They are the men whom it would behoove you to drill a little, and tie to the halberts in a benevolent manner, if you could!

Therefore does it behoove Congress, by proper, instant action, to relieve itself of this painful responsibility.

It would behoove me, therefore, to look elsewhere for help and for some one to swear to my identity.

But not another word about it: It does not behoove me to judge the past, for it does not belong to me.

It does not behoove the maestro to stand at the side of his pupil.

How should it then behoove thee to run the perils of the sea, and nightly voyage, and it may be rough usage?